Wake Up Call (A One Direction Fanfic)

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[24/12/2012 - 9:49] Oh my, I actually don't write as bad as the old author's note. I swear! However, please note, that for the sake of missing out of characters, or lots of plot holes, please refer to the first part entitled "Author's Note, Please Read And Please Don't Kill Me." If you are too lazy, as I would be so I don't blame you, just read the ones with the checkmark. You won't get why, but it won't make any sense and there will be a huge difference in writing skills.

Thank you for reading. The important part. You can skip the bottom rest now. But heh, I'm having fun demeaning myself so read on for more of my comments on myself. 

Hey guys, this is my first fanfic. (First fanfic. Really. You don't say. Anyone can see that. Way to be obvious.) 

So be nice. (kidding... be as harsh as you want. I want honesty) (Wow, I've gotta work on contradictions) 

And I doubt it's any good but my friends on here managed to convince me to post it. (They have an illusion that I'm a good writer. lmfao)

This has a bit of swearing so keep that in mind. (I realized that I should cut down, so now it's only a bit of swearing. Rose now is a hothead but doesn't like to swear often because that's how she's raised.)

I don't think I have to repeat what every writer writes but here, I'll be blunt, stealing is bad. I'm pretty sure you all learned that. And stealing will result in you being fined and all those consequences that I never actually really read myself. But don't go stealing my book or anyone's book for that matter. There are eyes everywhere... I've got people watching you. So basically, you're probably are going to get caught. And there's no point. If you get any reads you don't deserve it... and all you'll feel is hollowness inside and of course guilt. Get your own ideas. We work hard to make beautiful stories (Okay, mine isn't exactly beautiful in my opinion)

 Wow.. this got very serious.

(Omg, I swear, that entire thing up there made me laugh. Okay, I'm weird. But seriously, I just said to not copy or steal in such a fun way. lol Gah, okay, I just have to edit the caps lock. It's fun in conversations but I feel like I'm yelling at you. And omg, I used so many ... *facepalm*, editing those out now)

Sheesh. (I actually said 'sheesh', I'm so unprofessional.)

On a lighter note, if you actually read all of this pointless rambling, (So many dot dot dot's still, editing now.) I just wanna say, you totally deserve a unicorn.  Now for the book! (capitals again, dang. So unprofessional, jeez. And wow, whatever would actually be next? Photos of nothingness? Wow. On to the book. Fail.) Go click that button down there... (What actually would they press? Jeez.)

I'm gonna go now.. *hops on huge butterfly and flies away* (I think I need to work on my attempts of being funny. Heh.)

P.S. I'm betting half of you didn't but comment your favourite fruit (random, I know) if you did! XD

(Wow, actually a couple did, kudos for you!)

P.P.S. << Peepee.. that's funny right there... sorry.. Cars 2 fan. (I feel so unproffesional. I wonder what you all thought/think of me.)

P.P.S. Hmm there was something I was supposed to say... yeah.. I'll put it on later... if I remember...

P.P.P.S. YEAH! I REMEMBERED! Yeah.. I was supposed to say that I don't blame you if you skipped. I usually skip author's notes myself.

(I feel like I told you too much about me in what is meant to be an author's note. Wow.)

Thank you for maybe reading! :) Oh, and um, please don't kill me? :)

Wake Up Call (A One Direction Fanfic) (Major Editing/On Hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora