Chapter 2

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8 years old:

Dictatious sighed, thinking that he really should have brought a toddler leash like his neighbor suggested. He had gone into trollmarket to buy a couple of things and had been forced to bring Blinky along with him, since he was too young to be left alone and Dictatious didn't have a babysitter. Right now the excited little troll was zooming up and down the isles of the market, fascinated by everyone and everything he saw. Knowing that he could never catch Blinky in his energized state, Dictatious decided to let him wander until he was done.

"Ah, Dictatious! It has been quite some time. How are you faring?" Dictatious turned to see Vendel approaching him, Blinky hugging one of his legs and laughing with glee every time the older troll took a step. Dictatious greeted Vendel and tried to apologize for his little brother's rudeness, but Vendel simply grinned and pried the little troll from his leg, balancing him on his hip instead. "I didn't know you had a sibling Dictatious, I really must try to write more. Where is your mother? I would love to speak with her, I think it's been about ten years now since I have seen her."

Dictatious simply stated, "Sorry. My mother has been dead for about eight years now. She died when she had my little brother." Vendel's face fell, and he replied sadly, "I do apologize. So what is this little guy's name?" Dictatious shrugged, the conversation beginning to make him uncomfortable. "I had to name him, so I chose Blinkous." Lowering little Blinky to the ground so he could run around once more, Vendel gave Dictatious a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "As good a name as any. Take care Dictatious, and stay out of trouble."

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