The Lovebirds

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I took a minute to figure out what I was going to do. I had an idea, but I didn't have any tools with me to perform an operation like that here, so I had to bring them back to my workshop. I walked towards my brother and took Lucy from his arms, I walked up the stairs up to my stagecoach and walked with Lucy with her arm over mine and my hand on her back holding her up, as if she had injured her leg. If I had carried her like a dead body, well, people would think I was carrying a dead body. I opened the stagecoach door and laid her down on the floor, since I'm too short to put her up on the seat. After she was far enough in the coach I shut the door, just enough so people who walked past wouldn't see her in there. I went back down the stairs and grabbed Ben, and when we walked out, I locked the cellar door. No one needed to be in there and if the police came they were bound to have a fun time trying to break that door down. I walked up the stairs once more and shut all the doors after me.

Then when Ben and I reached the coach I opened the door and laid him down next to Lucy. I climbed in and placed both on the bench that would face them towards the front of the coach. Then hopped out and shut the door, and when I was about to climb up to the bench on top to drive I heard the bell that would always ring when the door opened to my brother's shop. I saw two boys run down the stairs that led up to the door of his shop. One was wearing a sailors uniform with a navy blue pea-coat and had shoulder-length light brown hair, and the other was wearing more or less of the same only his had a light brown pea-coat over it and he was wearing a hat. They were obviously rushing towards somewhere. I ran and followed behind them, they were headed for the dock. When I had gotten close enough to them I said, "Excuse me."

Both then turned around frantically, then relaxed as they probably thought I had been the police. The sailor had said, "I'm sorry ma'am, but we really must be going." And grabbed the boy with the hat's arm, Who looked vaguely familiar...

"Wait a minute." I grabbed the boy with the hat's other arm lightly. I faced him towards me and the first thing I could see very clearly, was that this was no boy.

"What are you doing?" The sailor asked. I ignored him and I took off her hat. Long wheat-blonde hair flowed down, to about the lower back. This couldn't be who I think it is...I had to be certain.

"What is your name?" I asked her. She looked at the sailor, as if she was looking for support. He just shrugged.

"My name is Johanna." She replied quietly. I couldn't be so sure that it was my niece Johanna, there could be more than one in London. I needed further confirmation.

"How old are you, Johanna?" I asked. Johanna was only a baby when Ben had been imprisoned. She hadn't even been a year yet.

"I'm 15 years old, ma'am." She replied quietly once again, seeming less frantic. The sailor on the other hand, kept looking at the ship that was about to take off.

"I just need to know one more thing," I said to her. I looked her dead in the eyes and asked her, "You must have a last name, correct?" She nodded. "What is it?" She started tearing up, I knew exactly what it was. But she had to tell me, it was the only way I could correct her. To tell her exactly who she was, so she can find who she wants to be.

"Turpin." She answered even quieter than the last two times. I embraced her in a hug, she started sobbing on my shoulder. "It's alright, he'll never hurt you again." I could finally say that with certainty. Turpin had been one of the dead bodies in the cellar, along with Beadle Bamford. I pulled away and put my hand on her shoulders, "Listen to me, you are not a Turpin." I emphasized my point with my finger. "You never were a Turpin, you are a Barker. You will always be a Barker. Johanna Barker, my niece, my little porcelain doll." She looked at me with big eyes and asked me a question that shattered my heart.

"If you're my Aunt, then where were you when I needed you the most?" I almost broke down. But I was still able to answer her question, with complete honesty.

"I wasn't aware that any of this had happened to you. If I was, Turpin would've been dead long ago. But I will promise you, That if anyone dares to hurt you, you just tell me, and you'll never have to worry about them again. Do you understand?"

She smiled with tears in her eyes as she responded with, "Yes. But do you understand that I'll be expecting you to follow through with that promise?"

I smiled back at her and answered, "I wouldn't dream of ever breaking it."

The boy interrupted this amazing moment. "Well, it looks like we won't be eloping anytime soon. The boat is gone."

I took my arms off of Johanna's shoulders and poked the boy in the chest. "Maybe stop whining about it and the time will go by faster." As I walked away from him, I continued with, "Besides, you don't want to rush something like marriage. That's when you get hurt." Just saying that brought back bad memories. Breaking away from my thoughts, I whispered to Johanna, "You were never going to go on the boat anyway. I wouldn't have let you, you need to meet your family before you meet someone else's." I pointed at the both of them and said, "Follow me." Johanna followed after me, the boy hesitated a bit, then started walking.

The boy asked, "Where are we going?" As he walked faster to catch up with me and Johanna.

"We are going to my workshop. No further questions, because they will all soon be answered, once we get there." I said with a very happy and excited tone. I was so happy to be going home already. London is very depressing, and it seems to be filled with all sorts of bad karma for the Barker's.

Once we had reached my stagecoach, I had opened the door and told both of them to climb in. However, when Johanna got in she screamed. The boy hopped in to see what was wrong. "What's the matter? You've never seen dead bodies before?" I said sarcastically.

"No. This man tried to kill me." She pointed to Ben.

"Well I promise you Johanna, once he is brought back to life I'll have a long talk with him about it." I said with the same sarcastic tone.

"I'm seriou-Wait, Did you just say you're going to bring him back to life?" She asked, as if she didn't hear me correctly.

"Well of course, why else would he be in the coach." And with that I slammed the door shut. Then I hopped up on the driver's seat and started to head home, I seem to have my work cut out for me.

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