"Your majesty, I present my eldest son, who defeated and killed a bear with his bear hands! He is the bravest in our clan and has defeated any opponent to face him!"

A fiery redhead steps up. He flexes his arm showing off his muscles. I peak out from behind my cap seeing this. A slight blush spreads across my face. Hoping no one noticed, Allistor sends me a wink, proving me wrong and making my blush more apparent.

"Clan Rome!" Dad finally calls out.

Lord Rome steps forward next to wait is that Germany? Huh? "I-a present my-a son, who was besieged-a by ten thousand-a soldiers and he took out-a whole armor single handedly, with-a one arm. He was..."

Lord Rome see's that his son was cowering behind Germany and pulls him out from behind the blond german. Italy stood there shaking. His curl drooping a bit.

"With-a one arm, he was steering the-a ship, and with the-a other he held his-a mighty sword."

"Lies!" someone shouts from the crowd.

"What?" Lord Rome calls out. "I-a heard that! Sí! Say it to-a my face! Or are you-a scared?"

"No its just he looks like a baby, " Lord Hania snorts. A few of the clans men laugh including Lord Alexander and Lord Hania.

Lord Rome growls, "Romano!"

Romano emerges from the crowd, scowling and throws a tomato at Lord Hania and Lord Alexander. Lord Rome laughs at the two tomato covered lords. They growl and lunge at Lord Rome. Soon a fight between the three clans breaks out. Everyone was fighting with each other. Tomatoes were flying through the air, curses and yells could be heard over the bagpipes playing.

I sigh exasperated at the scene before me. I mean come on, really? Dad was cheering them on. Loving the fighting as Mother never allows it. Dad points something out to Mother and she gives a disapproving look.

Dad sighs, "Alright." Standing up, he yells, "SHUT IT!"

The clans stop fighting and the bagpipes stop playing. I look over and notice the triplets had disappeared from their seat. Oh no what are they up to.

"Now, that's all done!" Dad tells the clans. "Jou've had jour go at each other, show a little decorum. And no more fighting!"

Lord Rome shouts in pain, getting hit in the face once again. The bagpipes start playing and the fighting starts once again. Dad yells out and jumps into the brawling, joining the fight. A sheep flew threw the air for some reason. Seriously where did that even come from? One guy was thrown up onto the area where our thrones are, right in front of the twins. Arthur and Dylan hit him with their wooden swords, but Seamas knocks him out with a metal hammer thingy. Is that even a thing?

Mother gets up after witnessing what the boys did, not even scolding them. If I did that she'd be jumping down my throat with how that's not how a princess would act, but with them, nothing. As mom walks through the crowd it parts like the red sea, allowing her to make her way to the very back. Everyone stops fighting as she reaches Dad and the Lords. Mother grabs them by the ear and pulls them back up to the front of the room.

"Sorry, my queen. I feel terrible. My humblest apologies." Lord Hania states bowing down.

"Mi dispiace (I'm sorry)," Lord Rome apologizes.

"No disrespect," Lord Alexander states.

"Es tut mir leid, liebe (i'm sorry love). I...I didn't..." Dad stutters going next to Mother. She just looks away from him in silence. "Ja, liebe, (Yes, dear)." Dad says going back to his seat.

"Now then, where were we?" Mother rhetorically asks. "Ah, yes. In accordance with our laws, by the rights of our heritage, only the first born of each of the great leaders may be presented as champion."

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