It's Christmas in Hollywood

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"Cat! Merry Christmas!" Tori exclaimed cheerfully as she opened up her arms to embrace her small companion.

Cat just giggled gleefully and jumped on Tori, bringing her in for a bone crushing hug.

"Merry Christmas Tori!" Cat laughed excitedly as she squeezed harder, causing Tori to cough.

"Cat..can't..breathe." Tori gasped painfully as her lungs we becoming more devoid of oxygen.

Cat just giggled more and released Tori before skipping on in and hopping on the couch. Tori couldn't help but chuckle at her friends cute antics, as she rubbed her now sore stomach and ribs.

As she went to go close the door, Tori was not at all surprised to see Robbie, standing there looking all sheepish.

"Merry Christmas Tori." He piped up with a smile.

Tori was going to return the greeting until Rex intervened with his usual snarky greeting.

"Hey sweet thang, have you been naughty or nice this year?"

She rolled her eyes and motioned them to come in. Completely ignoring Robbie ushering his usual apology on "Rex's" behalf. She was just about to follow him to the couch when she was stopped by the second ringing sound of the bell echoing in the living room.

She stopped mid-step, one leg hanging slightly in the air, and spun around on her remaining foot, and marched promptly to the door.

Beck and Andre leaned against opposite sides of the door frames, twin smiles plastered on their faces as they each hugged their respectable sides of Tori at the same time. Before  ushering them in.

"Great, now that we're all here, we can party!" Tori cheered happily as she held up two red solo cups. She started handing them each a cup when Beck asked the question Tori knew he would soon ask.

"Where's Jade?"

Tori just smiled and sipped her cup, slowly and deliberately taking her time to answer before shrugging and nonchalantly telling him, "She's been here. She's changing upstairs."

Beck who was already two gulps into his drink quickly before coughing and sputtering up the juice. "She's already here?" He managed to get out before he covered his mouth and continued coughing.

Tori merely smiled at him, of course Beck would be caught off guard at Jade being here, not only before them, but even here at all. Tori and Jade had been arguing a lot more than usual lately, even over small, stupid things.

And speak of the Devil, it was at that time that Jade had made an appearance besides Tori, causing both Andre and Beck to jump slightly; neither of them seeing or hearing her come up besides Tori.

Tori however just kept smiling and gently leaned against Jade's side. "Want some punch?" She offered her pale companion.

Jade just smiled and nodded before they both headed into the kitchen to grab some punch before returning to the boys, who were standing there with jaws slightly slacked. Tori just smirked and handed Jade her drink before taking a step and a half forward before gently closing both Beck and Andre's mouths.

"Careful boys, that's how you catch flies." Jade playfully warned as Tori retook her place and cup.

As if rehearsed, Tori and Jade sipped from their drinks at the same time, smirks mirroring one another.

"This is good punch Tori, what kind did you get?" Jade asked.

"It was just Hawaiian Fruit Punch, but I added real pineapples, cherries, raspberries, and just a bit of melon."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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