I hear his voice crack, and since I was looking at the sky, I turn around: a tear fall from his eyes. And another one, and another one. Suddenly, he covers his face with his hands.

I can't stand to see him like that, but at the same time I feel completely useless. What can I do to comfort such a sensitive man who had such a trauma? I gently hold his arm, rubbing it slowly. He looks at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen, and this breaks my heart.

-What happened next?- I ask.

Willy wipes his tears, sighs heavily, then continues:- I kicked out all my workers and close the Factory for a few years. It was a very hard time. I didn't want to speak to anyone, and I had stopped going out. I thought the whole world was against me, but that not even refuge here, far from everything and everyone, was the solution. I felt really, really bad. But after some years, while walking through the hallways, looking at the extinguished machinery... I realized it couldn't end up like that: I gave all of myself in this factory, and I couldn't just stand there and watch it falling apart. I rekindled the machines, and I worked alone for a certain period. But I needed employees, I couldn't run such a big place all by myself. I packed the bag and left in secret. I traveled the world to find some new ingredients for my recipes, and I came across the Oompa-Loompas by chance. Then, well, you know the rest...

Willy breathes in relief.

-Willy, I had no idea of all this...

-I know. That's why I behaved so badly yesterday: I don't want anyone to know my recipes besides me. At least, until today.

-What does this mean?

-Yesterday, when you left, Charlie took my diary and wrote some things. At first, I was furious, but then I read what he wrote and I was speechless: they were all new recipes invented by him, all brilliant. That kid has a great imagination, he's the right person to... to run this place.

I wince, eyes widening. What did he just say?!


-(Y/N), despite my appearance, I'm an old man, much older than I look. I think it's the world I created that keeps me young... Anyway, I can't run this factory forever: I needed a good-hearted and creative child to keep it going.

-That's why you created the golden ticket contest!

-Exactly. Between the five children who had found the ticket, I would have chosen the best, the one who would have taken over the factory, and I'm happy with the choice I made. I couldn't give this place to one of those spoiled brats, they were terrible... No offense to your brother, of course.

-Don't worry, there is no other way to describe that kid. Although, I got a feeling that, after what I said to him, things are going to change between us...- I say smiling.

Willy looks at me charmed:- You're so beautiful when you smile.

I look down. Willy presses a button on a wall, and the elevator stops: now we are stationary, surrounded by the starry sky. It's a wonderful feeling, it feels like I'm floating in the air.

-There's still one thing I have to tell you, (Y/N), and that's the main reason I asked to talk to you.- Willy says, holding my hands. His voice is serious: I look at him silently.

-Well, I'm... Y-you... When you arrived here with Mike yesterday, you immediately impressed me. You were so enthusiast of being here, even more than Charlie. I've seen the way you looked around in the Chocolate Room. You were amazed, and your joy was my joy watching you: I saw all my love for this factory and for everything it means to me in your eyes. You're a delicate, fragile creature, you're sweet and kind, you get lost in every detail that steals your attention. But at the same time, you're strong, determined, more than you think.

Willy blushes violently as if he was very ashamed of telling me these things. I feel a strange sensation, something that starts with my stomach and spreads in my whole body.

-Yesterday, during the tour, you made me understand that not all men are evil, that honest and kind people exist- he continues -You're a gem in the whole human race. When you're on your own, thoughtful, you keep your nose up in the air and your hands behind your back, and I can't stop staring at you. When you burst into tears for Mike I wanted to hold you, protect you in my arms, and let you hug me right after.

I feel a lump in my throat, I don't have the courage to speak.

-In one day, you changed my life. When Charlie left too, I didn't sleep all night. I was worn out by the thought of having hurt you, which is the last thing that I want. There's nothing that makes me feel good, like making you happy, nothing. Now, I don't know how to behave in these cases, but...

I can't contain myself anymore: I grab Willy's head, making our lips meet.


AAAAH I've been waiting to publish this chapter since WEEKS! This is the point I love the most in this whole fanfic. I really hope you liked it, because I really love this moment of the story. Ugh, I feel emotional now.

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Ugh I love this

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