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I punch the alarm clock to keep it silent. Ugh, why did I forgot to turn it off? I have a day off work, and I still had to wake up early...

Well, there's nothing I can do. I get up slowly from the bed yawning, opening the window. Like I do every morning, I look at what happens outside: a cat is robbing in a trash bin, the neighbor's dog is sleeping on the grass, and a plane is flying through the sky. I watch him go away, overflying... the Factory.

Enough. I close the window and start making my bed: while grabbing the pillow, I see something falling.

For God's sake, it's that damned handkerchief again. I throw it angrily on my desk: to heck, it, to heck the Factory, to heck Wonka. They can go to hell, I don't want to hear any more about this story.

I get changed in the bathroom and go into the kitchen to have breakfast: I didn't have dinner last night, so right now I'm starving. While putting two slices of bread into the toaster, I make myself a coffee. I hear footsteps walking down the stairs:-Oh, you're awake!

-Good morning, Mike.

-I'm hungry... Make me pancakes.

-Why don't you take the frying pan and try yourself?

-Why would I need to do them by myself?

-Because you're not a baby, and it's time you learn how to do it.- I say to him firm, giving him the pancake mix box. The only good thing about yesterday is that after rebuking him that way, Mike seems a lot less arrogant than the usual. I don't know how long it'll last, but for now, it's beautiful!

The bread's ready. I put it out of the toaster and spread it with butter and blueberry jelly. Blueberry. Violet turned into a blueberry yesterday... Oh God, (Y/N)! Stop it!

I finish my breakfast in a few minutes, then go upstairs to brush my teeth.

-(Y/N)? You already finished? You almost licked the plate clean!

-I'm really hungry today!- I answer with a laugh. My mom saved for me a piece of roast beef from yesterday, and that's what I needed.

-Would you like some dessert? I made chocolate pudding!

-No, thank you. I don't want to hear about chocolate or sweets for a long time.

-Oh, you're on a diet? Good thing, honey, I'm glad to hear that!

My mother doesn't know anything about what happened yesterday, and she doesn't have to know.

-I'll take her part!- Mike takes my plate with my part of pudding while finishing his.

-So (Y/N), how was it yesterday at the Factory? You didn't tell me anything!

Mike chokes on his gulp.

And now? How do I answer? "Your son almost disappeared into a tv screen because of his stupid behavior"? Or "I met one of the most important people in my life and now he doesn't want to see me ever again"?


-That's it?

-(Y/N) did-

I make noise with the cutlery, death staring Mike. Luckily, he understands he has talked too much, and shut his mouth immediately.


-I'm going!- I say, trying to escape from that situation.

-Don't worry, honey.- My mom stops me, standing up. I start clear the table, taking the plates into the kitchen.

The Candy Man (Christian Borle as Willy WonkaXReader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant