5.the researches

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One week later, thanks to many clues, the police had all the proofs in hand to arrest the culprit. It was a white tall man with short blond hair. It was very likely that Thomas Johnson, Jenna's boyfriend was guilty. It's been the moment to arrest Thomas Johnson.

However, where is he? He already had a criminal record for burglary. The police officers went in search of him, in the workplace, in Jenna's house, nobody was here. Unlikely that he was on a business trip. The researches will continue for a long time moving heaven and earth and there while nobody was believing in, they saw a man who was as alike as two peas in a pod to the suspect

And yet that's a fishy story, the tires of the car did not match to the foot print find in the front of Jenna's house. They had spy on Thomas during a long time to arrest him not being sure that it was him.

The man, arrived in the front of a big house where a woman was waiting for him. When she saw him, she cried: " Tooooooom " and was throwing himself in his arms. No more doubt, it was him.

The suspect doesn't want to listen the officer Pattinson and even less accompanies hem. They had resort to strength.

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