Chapter Two

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 I walk out of the apartment complex to my car, it's a white ford fusion, and drive to the club. Its called 'Midnight' and its and all werewolf club, one of my packmembers owns it. I walk into the club and walk up to the bar and order a Razzberry Beer Cocktail (Thank you Pintrest for the idea!) The bartender gives it to me, and I quickly pay him. I sit by the bar and take a sip out of my drink, good choice I think to myself. I'm just sitting there when all of a sudden i smell the most delicious thing in the world, strawberry and mint, i quickly glance around trying to find what is making that amazing smell, or should i say who, as I'm looking all of a sudden i see the most gorgeous man in the world, right as he turns around and locks eyes with me, he has tousled brown hair with dark brown eyes that seem to pull me in, he has a white t-shirt on with a black leather jacket and faded jeans. Oh. My. Freaking. God. I think I actually found my mate! I think as he starts to walk over to me, I just stare wide eyed at him quickly forgetting my drink as he gets closer. Oh God! Is he gonna talk to me! What do I do! He comes closer and sits across from me at the booth I am at. Holy shit! Sexy god sitting next to me! I feel like an idiot, fan girling over him like this. He smirks at me staring at him and I look away nervously. "Mine" he whispers almost so quiet I didn't hear him. "Sorry what?" I ask pretending I didn't hear him. "Mate" he says staring me straight in the eyes.

     He leans over the table and kisses me, so fast I almost didn't know what was happening. I was so stunned I didn't move for a second, but as I relaxed I began to passionately kiss him back. He breaks the kiss looking at me, our foreheads against each others. "Whats your name?" I ask quietly, "Xander" he replies, "and you?" he asks. "Grace" I say quietly. I turn my head away for a second and end up looking at my watch, I jump startled. SHIT! ITS 11:50! ALMOST 12! "Sorry Xander, but I have to go," I say, starting to panic, since it's the day I shift, I need to be home when it happens. At 12 pm today I shift but here I am, still at the club! I need to get home! He looks at me, I can tell he's distraught. "Can I give you a ride then?" he offers? I nod quickly not caring if I drive, he drives, or even if we take a damn taxi, I just know I have to get home.

     We hurry out to his car, "Why are you freaking out?" he asks me. "Because I'm going to shift at 12 and its already 11:53 now so I need to hurry and get home, NOW!" I explain. He glances at me, and says, "Ok, well, whats your address?" I glance at him weirdly as we get into his black mustang, "So I can take you to your house," he explains. I nod in understanding and give him the address and directions as he pulls out of the parking lot. He drives quickly down the street until he gets to my apartment. I glance at my watch, 11:57 crap I feel intense pain in my stomach and tell him I can't walk, he pick me up bridal style and carries me into the building. "Floor 2 apartment A3" I tell him, so he can get me to my apartment. He nods and runs to the elevator. I glance at my watch again, 11:58 OMG its almost time! The pain in my stomach intensifies until it feels like I can't breath and I feel the pain spread to my head, giving me the worst headache ever. He carries me out of the elevator on floor 2, he runs to My door and knocks rapidly.

     Charlie opens the door shocked and says "Who the hell are you?!" to Xander, Xander pushes straight past him and I point to my bedroom, "In there," I say weakly. I look at my watch again 11:59! Xander runs with me in his arms into my bedroom and lays me gently on the bed. Me being his mate, he looks at me worriedly, then shuts and locks the door, knowing Charlie is home and probably freaking out with the fact that a stranger is in our apartment. Xander must know that Charlie is human. Smart guy. He comes back to my side and holds my hand. I smile weakly at him as he pulls off all of my clothing and covers me with a sheet, he glances at me and says, "I tried not to look." He looks at my alarm clock and his eyes widen. I know that thing has second. Must not be long. I cry out in pain as I feel my bones begin to crack and pop, being rearranged into a new place. I lay still panting in wolf form and weakly get up off my bed and look in the mirror. (P.S. She's I wolf form right now, its after her first transformation) I hear Xander gasp in surprise and whisper, "Beautiful," I gape silently at myself. Im a bright white wolf. My coat looks like pure white, and I have electric blue eyes. I pad over to Xander and sit in front of him. He looks at me wide eyed, "Your fur. I-Its white. But how?" I'm super confused right now. White pelts were supposed to be extinct. A group of Rouges supposedly killed them all, or tried...


ooooooooh, exciting cliffhanger?

Sorry i'm a crappy updater everyone! I just got really busy with my foreighn language classes and forgot about wattpad a bit because i was so focued on getting better grades! But i've been writing a bit and now that its summer i have more updates planned!

Xoxo, Love you all!

I WILL update soon! promise!

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