The Mistake

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chapter two:

Dear Diary:

Stefan: these scares are never going to fade ill have them forever. People always wonder what are they from and i say from my dog even though i don't have a dog. They always wonder if they are from my dog then why do i still have them on my arms. You don't know what my life is like so why do you care. you have a happy life and i don't my dad is always sleeping and drunk and pushes me around and my mom left not that long ago maybe two years ago and my sister killed herself when I was younger, you don't know what its like with a drunk dad i'm surprised you never see the bruises that i get from him but you see the cuts on my arm. i feel like no one cares and i bet if people knew that i wrote in a journal they would call me names like guy, weirdo, loser and they would tell me to go get a life.... well i got to go school tomorrow I really don't want to do this new school it's going to suck no friends to talk to.

*stefan walks down the staires* good morning bad! " morning now stay out of my way I didn't sleep because you were being to loud." I was in bed by 9 so I don't know how I was being loud I never have anything to do or any one to talk to. * Stefan whisper to himself you must have token a drug to make everything loud so you can't sleep.* "what did you just say?" I didn't say anything I wasn't even talking to you. " I'm tired of the way you talk to me kid * pushes Stefan out of the way* now get to school I want the house to myself for awhile." I was just leaving and you have a good day too father! * Stefan grades his bag and slammed the door behind him*

*stefan talking to himself* what a good beginning of the day I bet it won't get any better.

I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes I hope you know what the word is and I am going to try and publish I hope every weekend since it's summer holidays


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