Chapter 2

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        "AUDREY" screamed the exasperated cook, she'd been trying to teach the girl how to cook but it never goes well, she'd made the mistake of leaving the kitchen for a few minutes to get some things and now the pasta is a half burnt and half soggy mess, ugh the only thing that ever gets through the girls thick skull is baking.
"I know I know, how did this happen I'm not sure. I honestly don't know"

   Six years had passed since that fateful day and now Audrey is two days from turning 15, Audrey is a well known beauty through out the town although she doesn't leave the orphanage. The tales of her stunning beauty has been told through to the town,everyone knows of the girl with porcelain skin, waist length midnight locks with the ever present silver streaks on the right side, her stunning blue eyes with thick eyelashes, plump pink lips and slim figure.
     But what

       At that moment when the cook called her she had been day dreaming on how to scare tom as he came back from the school,  it had become a ritual for them , so Audrey always found some new way to scare the pants off tom even though he expected it, but suddenly the cook had awoken her from her daydreaming .
I suppose I must be the soup , and he thought to her self guitly , we'll I suppose were having pizza tonight then she thought fighting back a grin . Pizza was always a treat to the kids it wasn't like they never got it in fact it was practically what they lived on especially when cook decided to try to teach to cook , they all just loved pizza. And Audrey drifted off again.

     "AUDREY!!!! " cook screamed snapping her out of her reverie and also swinging the spoon a little too dangerously to her face.
  "You were meant to watch the soup , it's burnt " muttered the cook through gritted teeth
"Whatever , order for pizza I told you I was no cook "Audrey said waving it off and running outside before cook blew her top.
   "He's nearly here what should I do today ?"muttered Audrey to herself as she jogged to the dirt lane that led to the woods that everyone had to pass to get to the orphanage , it was a secluded spot . And then an evil grin spread across Audrey's face as she new just what to do .
    She found the perfect bush and slid behind it , waiting for Tom's footsteps that were steadily approaching , when he finally neared the Bush she started to shake it tom approached with a skeptical look and kicked the Bush she let out a very realistic yelp and Tom froze and theeen she grabbed his foot and began to snarl he looked utterly terrified as she continued to snarl and he kept struggling . She let her grip go limp and Tom turned and was about to bolt when she lept out from the Bush snarling,  he let out a horrified scream as she  fell on top of him he kept still and she rolled off and stared at him , couldn't hold it back any more she burst out laughing.
     Tom turned around slowly and stared at her relief,  anger , shock and disbelief plastered on his face.
    "I my ........ , drey you gave me a HEART ATTACK,  and you're not meant to be out here , that was terrifyingly awesome I didn't think it was , you who made those noises , you've been practicing ".
He said getting up from the ground and dusting himself , when he was done they began their walk back to the orphanage.
      "Am I really following you tomorrow?" Audrey questioned , there had been rumors that the ,Head was giving her a chance to go to school
"Well I'm not so sure ......🤔🤔"
"I baked cookies " I said urging him to go on
"Of course you are , cookies what type ?😍" he asked
"Double choc......"
"Race you to the house "Tom yelled speeding off
"Cheat " a yelled back playfully as I caught up to him.

              A FEW MINUTES LATER
They burst into the orphanage  giggling (boys giggle don't judge) about a joke tom said , startling the little ones who were playing around , both headed to the kitchen passing cook who was on  the phone arguing about the ridiculous cost of pizza. And Tom turned to Audrey with a smirk
"You burnt the soup again , didn't you?😎" he asked grinning already knowing the answer
"Yeah " I answered nonchalantly ," cooking isn't my strong suit remember"
"You know sometimes I think you do it on purpose" accused tom

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