The Virus

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The Virus

            It all started just outside of New York City, in 1958. Scientists had just made an amazing discovery of a type of bacteria that could multiply itself by one hundred in a second. They had always tried to keep it in an enclosed space, but one day, a man decided that he was going to go inside the air tight room that they had always set aside for the bacteria. The other scientists had heard of his idea, and eventually agreed. They made a lock type compartment that would keep anything from getting out without passing an inspection that a computer did. As the man finally got his wish, he entered the air tight room through the lock, and pulled out a high powered device that would allow him to see the tiniest of creatures. The man kept observing the bacteria and took so many notes. Then all of a sudden, the man coughed. At first he didn’t think anything of it. But then he coughed again, and again, and again. Soon he felt like he couldn’t breathe at all. Soon the man started vomiting. None of the other scientists who were watching through a window dared to go in the room to help the man in fear that they might be as sick as he was. Then the man’s breathing started to slow, until it stopped all together. The lab that this took place in was evacuated immediately and the government marked the area as uninhabitable.

Fifty Five Years Later

            John and his friend Kale were about to find out what was in the old abandoned lab that was just half an hour from their home in NYC. They had been permitted to do this by the NYPD, as long as they wore radiation suits. The two quickly caught sight of the abandoned lab while they were hiking down the valley. They soon reached the old laboratory, and entered it through the rusty metal door. The place looked weird with the high tech equipment next to the rotting wooden chairs and moldy walls. The two walked around looking at different things until they came to a window that looked into an empty room, except for a skeleton lying on the floor of the room. They started to look around for a door that would get them into the room. They eventually found a large metal door that lead into a small room. On the other side of the tiny closet sized room was another metal door. John went in first, hoping to see what had caused the skeleton to die.  He didn’t see anything in the room other than some dried vomit on the ground, and some futuristic looking goggles strapped to the skeleton. What John didn’t see was the millions of bacteria fleeing from their ancient prison. John had just released the worst creature that ever existed into the outside world.

. . .

            Martin loved to go hiking in this area. Everyone said that it had some sort of nuclear radiation, but he knew that wasn’t true. The nice thing about hiking in the abandoned valley was that there was no one there to disturb him. That was of course before he started coughing. Soon, he went limp and breathed his last breath.

. . .

            John and Kale were walking back from the lab when they saw him. They found Martin dead on the ground lying in a pool of vomit. At first, the two didn’t know what had happened to the man. That was when John realized the similarities between this man and the skeleton in the room.

            “I think whatever happened to the person back at the laboratory has happened to this man,” said John.

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