Chapter 1

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First day of school. I hate it already.

I had just made me and Steve breakfast when Steve came screaming down the stairs.

"Y/N it's your first day of school!"
I simply sighed and said "How did you know my parents are not home?"

He answered back sassily "When are they ever home?" "Touché" came my answer. As I continued eating my food.

With all my training and being a hero I had definitely earned the title of more than in shape. But I always hid my body and face with a hoodie and some pants that are too big.

The new heroes have been handling the akumas and I think it's good training for them if they ever start fighting on the streets.

And their identities we're easy to figure out it only took a week for me.

Because I start in the same school as them I feel like teasing them. But I won't be doing that because I will be all alone and quiet of in the shadows as always.

I snap out of my thinking and start going to school with Steve in my hoodie.

Outside of I hear about some rich kid's birthday but I ignore it and keep walking.

Arriving at the class I take a seat in the far back as possible hiding behind my hoodie.

After a while two girls enter class but not before introducing them selves to everyone.

I already know who they are the girl behind the ladyblog and ladybug.

Now they are coming to introduce themselves to me...  sh*t

I don't like social interaction.

"My name is Alya and this is Marinette"

On cue the blue headed girl smiled and said "Hi". I simply answered with "Y/N" then I turned back my attention to the table.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea because of the akward silence that now started.

"Well Y/N if you want to talk to someone we are here" Ayla said and I simply nodded my head. After that they went and took them selves a seat.

This feels like it is going to be a long day...

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