"YOU DID NOT JUST CALL ME A FATSO!" shouted Lucky in the most angry voice his five year old body could muster.

"WHAT IF I DID?!" Sanskar, two years older than him, said with his hands on his hips. "Are you gonna go cry to Sujata Masi? Crybaby!"

Laksh's face looked like a plum tomato. "Take. It. Back! Take it back I said!"


"Do it! Say sorry!"

Sanskar grinned a nasty grin, towering over his little brother with the few inches of height he had above him. "N. O... NO! NAHI. NADAAAAAA."

Lucky practically growled and stood on his tip toes hoping to match his cousin brother's height. "You...you...you...chicken HAIRED LANKY SKELETON!"

Wow. That was kind of a nice retort if you ask me, don't ya think? These two were entertaining. Sanskar's shout brought my attention back to them.



"Ahahahaha... Nice one."

Ooops. They heard me. I thought I was laughing in my mind. Giving a smile towards them, I waved my hand at them. "Don't mind me. Carry on, carr-" I stopped when I noticed they had gone back to glaring at each other.

Well, now that is just insulting. I think my pride just got a bruise. Ow.

"They love me equally!"

"Noooooopety nope! They love me more! Khi khi khi!"

"That is so not true!" Sanskar retorted, pulling Lucky's hair.

In response, Lucky stomped on Sanskar's toes, making him shout out in pain.

Suddenly, they heard the town clock ding loudly at the distance, signalling it was 6 a.m. At once they looked at each other in horror.

"We're gonna be late!" they shouted in unison and began running towards the field they were heading in the first place.

Eh? What was that all about? Why are they rushing so fast?

Being a rational human being, I shouldn't bother going after these kids. After all, they might be excited about some squirrel jumping or a frog blinking vertically.

But I ain't just a rational being. I'm a writer. And what doth a writer, if not a bit crazy or adventureth?

Meh...I'm sure some great person had said so.

It's totally not my excuse to leave my room of boredom and follow the kids.

Nope. Nopety nope.

And I'm so not using my bicycle to get there before them just to feel some sort of victory for my bruised ego.

The bicycle is just convineint!

#The field#

Parking my bicycle near the biggest tree in the field, I hid and looked around. Ah! There I see them. The rest of the brats in the Chibi Gang.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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