~Part 1~

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That is her outfit just with an S mark under her eye and waist length pink hair in pigtails with a black leather satchel  

(Eclipsa's POV)

I land infront of the gate to the school and wave at a few of the people who stared at me. The second i walk into the building i hear a loud squeal/scream and then i just see a blur of red and black and I'm nearly knocked over i feel arms wrap around my neck and my head is pushed into something squishy I managed to get out of the arms and look up and see my good friend Hanji had glomped me. Suddenly she grabs my arm and pulls me towards the S and higher Ranked wing and ask's "so are you in SR1A, B, or C?"

I take my schedule out of my bag and look at it "I'm in B"

"oh hey that Wendigo that hangs out with A, B, and C ranks is in the class poor you" a deep voice comes from behind us, making me turn around and see levi and his squad had shown up behind us. I nod and shrug "well i gotta get going bells about to ring bye guys," i say and walk away from the vamps and demons saying or mumbling goodbye and make my way to the door to my class.

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