Chapter six

Mulai dari awal


Sorry, was that weird? It sounded kind of weird.


Well it's true. I miss you. Come hang out with me today. Sorry for kissing you yesterday too. Unless you liked it? I hope you liked it. I know I did.


I guess you're busy? Text me when you're free. Miss you.

I smiled at the text messages before typing, "I'm free. Anywhere you want to meet?"

He sent back a few seconds later:


Movie date?

Me: Are you asking me out on a date Ashton Irwin?


Of course Claire Grande. So, yes or no?

Me: Of course. Who denies Ashton Irwin when he offers to take you to the movies?


You'd be surprised. Pick you up in about twenty minutes?

Me: Yeah sure(:


Great(: See you soon x

I smiled at that and started getting dressed. I couldn't decide between girly or punk, so I called Brielle.

"Yeoo," she said when she answered.

"Date with Ashton. Outfit choices; lace dress with an oversized pink sweater thingy or burgundy sweater with short shorts and tights?" I said, instead of saying hello.

"Date to where exactly?" She asked. I heard her stop skate boarding to give me her full attention.

"Movies," I replied.

"Easy. Burgundy sweater with tights and shorts. Simple make up. Messy bun and boots. Borrow some from me if you need. Bring mints and matte lipstick. Lip gloss gets sticky and is just a mess. Matte lipstick looks classic and doesn't stick to everything," she said. I started gathering what she said while replying. "Thank you so much, you're a freaking life saver."

"No worries big tits," Brielle said, making me grit my teeth. She knows how much I hate that name.

"Be nice to Luke!" I called before hanging up. I could see her roll her eyes before skate boarding away from wherever she was standing in my mind. I shook Brielle out of my head and just started to get ready.

After sixteen minutes I was dressed in what Brielle told me to wear, along with a long cross necklace that fell to the middle of my stomach. I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth before putting on some eyeliner and matte red lipstick. I then slipped the tube in my purse, put on some perfume, and packed my wallet and a pack of mints into my bag along with my phone. As I debated on bringing a denim jacket with me, the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" Iva called. I figured she only said that because she was close to the door. Otherwise she would've pretended not to hear it.

"Hi," I heard Ashton said, making me smile.

"And you are?" Iva asked.

"Oh! Um, I'm Ashton."

"And why are you here?"

"For Claire...?"

"Claire! There's some guy at the door for you! He's got flowers and everything! But no chicken! He's useless! Useless!" I laughed before deciding no jacket and walking out of my room to see Ashton at the door in a tee shirt and skinny jeans and sneakers, his usual bandana around his head, holding some roses.

"Hi," I said when I reached him.

"Hi," he replied. "Um, these are for you." He handed me the flowers and I took them and flushed. "Thanks. Come on in, I'll put them in my room." Ashton followed me inside and waited patiently in the kitchen. I walked into my room and searched everywhere for a vase. I saw the one I'd made in art class on my windowsill, so I filled it with water and put the flowers in before setting it back by the window and walking back out to see Ashton still standing there.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied. Ashton took my hand as we walked to his car and even opened the door for me. Can I just say, he's freaking perfect.

"So what are we going to see?" I asked a few minutes later when we were on the main road, heading away from campus.

"I don't know," Ashton replied. "I figured whatever's playing next that's good." So a sort of adventurous date?

Ashton: 3 Other guys: 0

"Okay, cool." I settled in to my seat and waited for us to get there. After a little bit, an awkward silence fell over us.

"Umm..." Ashton drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. I turned to look at him and when we got to a red light, he turned to look at me.

"I'm sorry for kissing you last night if you didn't like it," he blurted out suddenly before turning red. I flushed too and looked down. "Would it be bad if I did?"

"Not at all."

We entered the movie theatre a few minutes later and headed over to the ticket stand.

"The Amazing Spider-Man 2?" I suggested. Ashton slipped his hand into mine and said, "Sure love. Whatever makes you happy." I blushed and looked down at our connected hands. Ashton took out his phone and took a picture of our hands and then of us.

"What are you doing?" I giggled. He smiled at me and said, "I want mementos of this moment. My first ever date with the beautiful Claire Grande. This definitely needs to be remembered." Then he leaned in and kissed me. When we pulled back I kissed his cheek for being so sweet.

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