White Tiles

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DISCLAIMER: I thought about a comic that I read a long time ago. There was no dialogue, just pictures. I decided to write about it. So the original story isn't mine. This is what I've written down from my memory of the comic. 

 And or those who don't get it... hint: it's like a loop. 


I sit in my nearly overflowing tub, arms stretched out and enjoying the heat of the water. The aroma of the room is very pleasant. What a nice day today.

As I begin to lather my arms with soap, I hear a soft plop! sound. Something must've fell in the bath water. Looking in to the foggy water, nothing seems to be there.

I ignore the sound and start working at my arms again, closing my eyes. I move around some more, water splashing against the walls of the tub. My foot taps against something smooth. 

I open my eyes and reach for my feet. My hands grasp on to something small. It feels like a square. I pick it up and place it on my hands. It is white and glossy. In fact, it looks like one of the white tiles that made up the walls of the washroom.

As I hold up the small tile against the wall to see if they match, I notice a small hole in the middle of the wall in front of me. When I look at the hole a little closer, I can see a small figure standing in it. I gasp in shock. A little person?

I get up from the tub and slowly bring my head to the tiny hole, looking at the little person. The little naked person runs back into the hole before I can even see the details of their face. They looked a bit afraid. 

I peer into the tiny hole. I can see nothing but pitch black darkness. I place my finger inside the hole, wiggly at the loose tiles surrounding it. 

Unexpectedly, the tiles start to come off very easily in to the water. I decide to keep chipping until the hole stops and there is only a wall with no tiles left.

A few minutes later, I am standing in the lukewarm bathtub, with dirty fingers and a pile of white tiles by my feet. I look at the giant hole I've created in awe. 

 I didn't have a flashlight or anything, but my curiousity told me that maybe I should go in and have a look. I seem to fit through the hole, just enough so I could crawl through it. 

I leave the bathtub naked and start crawling on all fours, into the dark path. As I do this, the path I'm crawling through starts to get larger and wider. I am able to stand on my feet in what resembles a cave. It didn't look so dark anymore, either. The walls seem to glow a little.

I start to walk with ease, only until I hear a faint rumbling. I look down to my feet, and I see the pebbles start to shake from the floor's vibrations. 

I turn my head around to see if anything was going on. In the far distance, I see a gigantic bug. It looks like a catepillar. It is almost half of my height. The catepillar creature was green and clearly fuzzy. It didn't look scary, but the fact that it was coming at me at full speed was intimidating. 

Terrified, I start running blindly. But it was still dark and dim. 

I could feel the vibrations of the bug's footsteps getting stronger with each step I take.

Thud! My face is the first thing that hits the wall when I reach the dead end. I rub my bruised nose. The soft footsteps only get louder as each second passes.

Panicking and seeing no other way out, I start to push the wall with all of my might. I did not expect it to move so easily, though. By the time I see light seeping through the cracks of the wall, I am sweating buckets. I push and push and--

The wall falls off. I am welcomed by the bright light and a familiar scent. I wobble a little, holding onto the edge of the wall, balancing myself. I look behind me. There are no longer any bugs. Just darkness. 

I look in front of me again. There is no floor that connects to the one I am on. It was as if the floor were a cliff and I am standing on the edge of it. I see a giant person look down to their feet, holding a white tile. Was that the wall I just pushed off?

The giant person holds the tile towards me. The person notices me and flinches. They look startled, but start to get closer. A small gust of wind blows towards me as their face is going near mine. 

I only realize when they were looking at me in the eye, that they look exactly like me. 

Then I start to inspect the area. Same white tiles on the wall. Same bathtub with the nearly overflowing water in it. Same scent in the air. What...

I run back into the hole before they can look at me any more. 

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