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"D-Dan-Daniel," Johnny Cade stuttered as he got into the older boy's bed. Daniel turned and looked at him. "What is it Johnny," Daniel murmured before he noticed that the boy was crying. He carefully wrapped his arm around Johnny, pulling him close. The younger boy sniffled, nuzzling into Daniel's chest. "Nightmare again bud," Daniel questioned, only getting a nod.

Daniel has been diagnosed as emotionless, not caring about most things. It drove his dad crazy, to the point where he shot his son in the stomach before shooting himself in the head. But for some reason, Daniel was always protective over his friends, especially Danny and Johnny.

"We have a new kid joining us," Ponyboy muttered as he hung upside down, both his green eye and gray eye were dull.

"Who is it," Dally asked. "I don't fudgin' know, all I know is that its a boy." Ponyboy replied. Ali furrowed her eyebrows, "oh god, does this orphanage have a thing against women or somethin'...?"

"M-maybe," said a voice. All heads snapped to the doorway to see a boy that looked like Daniel and Johnny, a fedora on his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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