Why me

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Jacob POV
I can't show my feelings to her its sad but I can't. Shes crying and asking why I thought you liked me what did I do. Its tough love and I just gotta move on I could always let her go but she would hate me and never give me a chance. Im thinking of going and talking to her or letting her sit there and wait til her mom pays up. Im just gonna talk to her. I walk into the basement and walk to her and sit down. "Why are you doing this to me?" "I don't wanna do this to you but your mom owes my boss money and I'm thinking of breaking you out of here." See the day I came up with the plan I ain't know it was shawty. If I knew it was her I would have bailed or just told her what was up. Boss forcing me to do this I can't just bail on him and be broke. "What does she owe you?" I looked at her and said"5 grand Jas." She looked shocked and said" I have the money if you guys want it and I'm not gonna blame you because I know its hard out here and you have to do what you have to do to get the money." I shook my hard at her"no I was wrong I'm gonna give him the money saying you gave it to me and I'm gonna send you home let me text him real quick." I texted him and told him the mom sent money and it'll be in his office." Hey let's go." I picked her up and ran to my car and took her to her house

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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