The kill

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"Dean she is over here!"Sam yells I trie to git up but it feels like I have been shot by a bullet all I remember is me running and hearing footsteps behind me then I yelled in pane and then sam and dean come running around the korner and see me on the ground skoting away from them and I pass out and I wake up in the bunker to see Sam and dean in the jall like room and I yell at them to get out but I hear the voice in my head again and it is saying KILL THEM SPILL BLOOD AND MAKE SACRIFICES!and I whisper "ok"and yell for Sam and dean and they came in saying "you ok angel?"and I get up and lock the iron door and say "be dead or kill me choose!"and a nife comes through the window and I grab it and then a table comes through the floor and I lay the nife on the table and back away and say "who is going to get it?"and I say "hell I will!"and grab the nife and throw it at Sam but dean grabs it mid-air and throws it up to the cealing and dean says "why are you so eavel angel?"he chrise to touch me but I hit his hand away and say "no don't touch me dean!ok just don't!"and he say to Sam in a hush voice "go behind angel and grab her ok."I heard everything he said and I kicked Sam in the balls and then dean I laughed so hard because of it and that's when it hit me the feeling to grab the nife and kill them with it but I didn't.and then I said "dean!sam!sorry so sorry."and I look down at the floor and whispered "sanototalokc!"and I was gone and back at my house and I felt happy and I grabbed the key for the door and walked inside and put down my bags and grabbed the computer to look for a leed and then after an hour of srching I finally found one it was in the small town of Ozark luckily I know some people here in ozark because this is my home
Town and then I heard dean and Sam's 1967 Chevrolet inpala and I said "fuck!this is hell!"but luckily they don't know anyone in this tone and as soon as I got to the beginning of Ozark everyone started yelling and saying my name I missed it being a hero to the people in my home town I laughed slightly and pulled into mc donelds and ordered what I used to get a coke and frys and a chicken sandwich and got my phone out and ternd it on and called my mom and she said "hello who is this?"and I ancered "hi mom I am at mc donelds ok."and she yelled to my sister and I heard her running to get the phone from mom and I laughed as she said "how was the hunt sis?"and at that moment I heard dean slame his 1967 Chevrolet inpala as he seen mine and as I walked out of the fast food restaurant people started sronding me and as I left I see my house and my mom and sis on the front step I gasped as they ran up to me and hugged me and said "we missed you!"wall they were crying and I said "I love y'all to."and we whet to my room to see how much it changed and it changed so much I started crying because I messed my bed and as soon as I layed down I fell asleep and awoke to yelling and ran in to the living room to see my mom and sis on the ground tackled by Sam and dean and I yelled "get off them now!"and they did and I said "get out now or I will call the cops!ok."

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