Love at first siet

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The first time I have seen sam is when I was working in a bar and he was with he's brother thay ordered 2 beers and that was whin I seen him his hair his eyes I stopped in mid-step and he said"hi love what is your name?"I didn't listen to him then he yelled at me but it didn't fase me but his brother said"stop it sammy she is just chring to work let's go back to the hotel."and sammy said "ok dean"and thay left and around 2:00 in the morning I went home to be atacked by deomonds and that was when I screamed and sam and dean came running to my hotel room to find me on the ground asleep and shaking and thay seen the deomonds and shot them and they screamed and died and I awakened to find the brothers in my room and me on my bed and thay seen me then I saw the people on the floor and screamed and thay both sead "whut happened! and what is your name?"I said "angel why?and who are y'all?"the one with the long hair said "I an sam and that is my brother dean.why?"and I said "just cuz."and they cuntend me some more and I Anders all of them and they left and I got up and took a shower and did my makeup and left in my pink 1967 cevea inpala and I seen them again and they seen me and I whispered "fuck fuck fuck!"and sped of into the night.

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