Ch. 22 I Hate Eleanor

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 Chapter 22

Reagan's POV

"Reagan! Its not what you think! I promise. You have to believe me!" Louis exclaims, pushing his ex away from him.

He gets to his feet and starts to walk towards me. I just shake my head and back away from him.

"I don't know what to believe anymore." I whisper.

"Please, Boo."

I just shake my head and run away from him. From everything that I love with all my heart. I run towards Louis' house, I run through his front door and up the stairs. Ignoring Jay's calls for me to tell her what's wrong. I grab my suitcase from under the bed and open it. Some of my clothes were already still in there so I grabbed the rest of my stuff and chucked them in it. I make sure I have everything before zipping up the big suitcase and grabbing my backpack from the corner. I sling the backpack over my shoulder and haul the suitcase down the stairs and out the door. I hail a taxi and one stops right in front of me. I open the door and put my suitcase in first and then I throw my backpack on the seat next to it. I get ready to climb in when I feel a hand on my pant leg. I look down and see Daisy looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"Please don't go." She pleads, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry, Daisy. It was your brother's choice. Just know it was never your fault." I pause for a second before sitting on the cab's seat, "Just let Louis know I still love him."

I don't let her respond as I shut the door to the cab.

"Drive." I say to the driver quietly.

He starts the car and looks back quickly before turning back to the road.

"Where to, ma'am?" He asks.

"Doncaster Train Station please." I say.

"Okay. We'll be there in 20." He says with a smile.

I feel a tear slip down my face. I wipe it away and look out the window. I hate Eleanor.

I thought you loved me, Louis...

* * *

Louis' POV

"What is your fucking problem?" I raise my voice at Eleanor.

"What do you mean?" She asks, innocently.


Daisy and Phoebe go behind me as I walk towards Eleanor with an accusing look. I point my finger at her and glare.

"You've ruined my life." I say, giving her the most menacing look I could do.

"What are you talking about? I'm your life, remember? When you promised we'd be together forever." She says, with a sickly sweet smile.

"I don't remember any of that, but I do remember you sleeping with my friends and trying to fuck my band mates. Does that ring a bell to you? Reagan never did anything to you! Now you've ruined mine and her life." I turn to walk away, with Daisy and Phoebe at my side when she starts to talk again.

"She was a slut, you know. She already slept with all your band mates, its been all over Twitter." I turn around and slap her.

I would never a hit a woman, its not right. But here, right now, she deserves it.

"Never and I mean never talk about Reagan that way. You don't even know her and you don't deserve too." I spat before walking away completely.

Daisy and Phoebe grab hold of both of my hands and we walk to the car in silence. I open the car door for them and the hop in. I shut it and walk over to my side and get in. I start it up and start the 5 minute drive back to the house.

When I get there a cab is waiting out front. Reagan is getting ready to get in it. Daisy unbuckles and gets out of the car before I can say anything. Phoebe stays in the car, quieted by the sudden outbursts at the park. I don't blame her.

I watch as Daisy and Reagan talk. Reagan just shakes her head and gets into the cab. The taxi takes off down the road and out of sight. Daisy comes over to my side and I open the door.

"She still loves you, Louis."

Tears start to rush to my eyes.

I hate Eleanor.

* * * *

Reagan's POV

*Doncaster Train Station*

I put my headphones back on and listen to music, but after about 3 songs I can't do it. My mind is too clouded with memories of Louis. How he would kiss me, how he would laugh at the stupid jokes Harry told me or how he would get crinkles by his eyes when he would smile at me. I miss! Reagan he kissed another girl, otherwise known as his ex-girlfriend. I thought he loved me after all we've been through. But, I guess it wasn't meant to be. I mean I don't believe in the fairy tale love story shit that our parents used to read us. I'm talking about how the low-down farmer's girl ends up marring the high-born prince or love at first sight.

I just shake my head of the thoughts and sigh. I look around the train station, just people watching -even though not many people were here. Only about 10 or so-.

"Train 17 is ready to board to Leeds. Train 17 is ready to board now." A bored sounding lady comes on over the speakers.

I stand up and take my backpack and suitcase. I wheel them over to the train stop and wait for the couple in front of me to get on. I hand my ticket to the man, who was at train door, he stamps it and hands it back. I nod and get on. I put my suitcase about my seat and sit down. I put my backpack under my legs. Once I get situated, I lean my head up against the window. The train finally leaves the station. Trees, bushes and wildlife travel by quickly. My eyelids slowly begin to droop and I close them. I start to fall asleep, until darkness takes over me.

* * *

I dreamt of Louis that day.


Heyyyyy, guys! I updated again. I hope it isn't as crappy as I thought it was. Well, I finally reached 1K! I'm soooo happy! Thanks!

Love you, guys!


Silence / / Louis Tomlinson / /COMPLETEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن