Chapter 6: His voice.

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Okay heyyyyy, new chapter swipe left to listen to the song when you see this symbol: ¥
It's a very beautiful song and I as always I hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter....
Oh and also, for any of you guys who also like Thiam shipping like I do, I'm writing a new book called The Heat surrounding them.

He never stopped crying. There were moments where he would try to force himself to stop crying and struggled to leave my grasp but I'd hug him tighter. I was so ashamed of myself for not realizing how much pain he was in all this time. And he wasn't the only one either, Scott and Theo were crying pretty hard. Stiles' mother's death impacted more than just her immediate family. That's how great of a woman she was.

Holding Stiles in my arms the whole night is something I'm never going to forget. And the way he fit so perfectly in my arms on my bed was a privilege I couldn't just pass off as nothing. For now on, I vow to never leave his side again.


The tears just kept falling as if their purpse was to fill an ocean. I couldn't stop all the emotions I had hidden from the world for so long from revealing themselves, and that made me so frustrated. It's been a couple of days since and I'm finally feeling a little better. A big part of this is all because of Derek, he's been by my side nonstop and its actually starting to worry me. Derek rarely talks to me, and don't get me wrong, I love talking to him he's amazing, but its weird. What if he knows what I did? What if he somehow found out and feels like he owes me something?

What if he found out that I was the one to save his family in that fire all thoes years ago and even though he doesn't like me, he feels an obligation to help me? Thats the reason I never told any of them in the first place. I don't want to hae that kind of power over anyone. EVER.

I signed rather loudly as I sipped on some coffee I made to calm my nerves a little. It's still early, five in the morning to be exact, and no one is awake yet. I had noticed that the Hale house actually was littered with all kinds of different instruments and I know for a fact that every room in here was sound proof. So if I were to- Oh I don't Know- play the piano perhaps? I wouldn'twake anyone up.

I haven't played in a while and my fingers are twitching in anticipation. Playing the piano has always been my way of comunicating with mother since most of our dearest moments would happen while playing it. She was the one to teach me how to, so the piano is kind of a personal instrument for me.

With all that in mind, I made my way towards the vacant grand piano and started off with some slow scales. And scales turned into simple tunes. And simple tunes somehow turned into beethoven. I'm not even sure how long I've been sitting here, playing for her, but I decided to offer a little more of myself. My voice.

Third Person:
The pack was awake. Yes, even the Hale pack. Yes that also includes Peter, Talia, and Deaton.

Something woke them up but it wasn't a sound, it wasn't someone else touching them, it was a feeling. Like someone was screaming at them to wake up and walk downstairs. There was a sudden pressure pressing against their chest urging them to wake up and walk downstairs. Needless to say what they found shocked them all.

Stiles fingers were gracing the piano with so much dexterity, it nearly overwhelmed them all. Yet what really caught them by surprise was his voice. His voice was... well... angelic almost.

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