Chapter One

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Wow I can't believe I'm back. Honestly I toyed for so long at the idea of making a sequel. Did I do it? Would it ruin it? How do I carry it on? But recently I've found a spark for this story and although I was a lot younger when I started writing the first one, I feel like this second has a lot of potential. So without further ado...*dramatic pause*... here's Book 2!!

"It's senior year!" That was the loud scream that woke up the whole household. Not that I wasn't happy for Blair, I knew senior year was something that she had been looking forwards to since she's started kindergarten, however I would have very much appreciated not having to wake up at 6.32 am, after all I'm still a junior. I got a whole other year until I get the excitement of being a senior.

"Shut up!" I shouted back and rolled over, putting the pillow over my head. However my attempts to block out the worlds most annoying alarm clock that is Blair Waldorf was a failed mission, she was shrill and annoying and near on impossible to block out. At least I tried. It was with a heavy sigh and a lot of rolling and grumbling that I finally managed to roll out of bed. I never got that in movies, how did people people manage to dance out of bed, twirl around and open the windows as if it was the best part of their day. Mornings suck.


The smell of blueberry pancakes wafted into the room and a grin adorned my face, I love blueberry pancakes. I finished doing the last curl on my hair and grabbed my bag, running down the stair to breakfast. "Slow down Alexia! You'd think a circus was in our house with you around." My mother scolded as I got to the breakfast table.

I pulled a face behind her back and plated myself up some blueberry pancakes. " looks like everyone at this table is seniors except me." I sighed as though deeply disappointed by this fact.

"What are you talking about?" My mother asked, sounding somewhat irritated. But then again when did my mother not sound somewhat irritated?

"Well Blair here is a senior at high school, and you and dear Cyrus are senior citizens." I quipped, a smirk finding its way onto my face.

"Why you little-"

"Gotta go." Blair promptly cut my mother off and pulled me up. I could tell she was trying to hide a snigger of her own, what can I say? I'm comedic genius!

I looked towards my sister while we were in the elevator and she looked like she was trying and failing at keeping a smile off her face. "You look crazy." I deadpanned.

"Well excuse me for being excited. This is the year that I have the chance to get everything I ever dreamed about." She bounced on her heels as she spoke, god please tell me this isn't a side effect of being a senior and I'm going to look like that next year.

"Does that include chuck?" I asked casually, leaning back against the wall.

"No, it's all the dreams I have without the devil spawn." She grumbled.

"Yeah, that's believable. Might wanna work on your lying." I scoffed but didn't push it anymore. It wasn't my place to get involved and I wanted my year to be as drama free as possible. Last year had been amazing, I felt like I was in a bubble of love and nothing could burst it. Of course, everyone else had their own dramas. But I'd learned how to be a shoulder to cry on, rather than someone who ends up in the middle of it all.

And the one person who had made the last year so amazing was stood in my driveway, waiting for me and looking as gorgeous as ever. God, have I mentioned yet how much I love my boyfriend? Not to be one of those people, but I definitely have the best boyfriend in the world.

"Hey." I smiled, walking up to Nate and kissing him softly.

"I hate being back at school." He groaned. "Our summer was perfect, why ruin it?" I couldn't help but smile at him, even if it was accompanied by an eye roll. A fond eye roll I suppose.

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