❼・I Am An Uchiha

Start from the beginning

   "You know what?" he asked, a raging fire burning in his eyes. "I hate people like you," The leader gasped as the edge of his sword cut his arms and legs slowly. "I hate cowards with fake facades, liars, and..."

   The man's eyes widened, his mouth agape, and it stayed like that as his head was separated from his body. "...traitors," the figure finished darkly, shaking the blood of his sword before sheathing it once more.

   And suddenly, once more, loud laughter escaped his mouth, resounding within the vicinity of the field. He laughed at the blood that adorned the plains, at the remnants of their sources which were strewn about. The figure chuckled as his eyes raked over his work, a cruel grin etched on his face.

   "Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are~" he let out a loose giggle as his back hit the chest of the only person he trusted with his life. "Oh~ Hello, ouji-sama~"

   Eyes – one a beautiful, sapphire blue and the other a royal violet – peered down and met his own. Those eyes had a cold fire burning within, a calm anger, and blankness. He chuckled at the irony before he felt himself trapped around his arms.

   "Don't put yourself in danger again," his voice was cold, smooth, and pleading, and yet, he felt as if it was a direct order. "Don't leave me alone,"

   "Of course," a genuine smile, in contrast to what he had just did earlier, was given to his brother. "You have my word, nii-san!"


   Gasping, Naruto woke up with a start, causing the untamed, wild golden-white chakra to recede and recoil. He brushed some of his ebony hair out of his face, and composed himself from the disturbing dream. Dream wasn't the best word to put it, and neither was the word, 'nightmare'. He supposed it was a vision of some sort; but if that were to be true, then who was the figure?

   "Brat," his eyes raked over the glowering fox, a questioning glance sent his way. "Did you know what had just happened?"

    "I-I..." Naruto froze at his stutter, mentally berating himself. "I don't know," he said at last.

   Kurama's eyes were narrowed at him, and he knew that the fox had caught the lingering hesitation in his tone. Sighing, "I don't really know, Kurama-san. I really don't," he added.

   "It is a mixture of yin and yang chakra," the fox explained impatiently. "And in all of the centuries that I've lived; I only know one person that holds the same as you,"

   His curiosity piqued, he asked a simple, "Who?"

   "I suppose it does not matter anymore. He's already dead, and you will hold no importance to him," said Kurama dismissively, eyeing him with a look of caution. The ravenette felt his eyebrow twitch, but otherwise, said nothing. "Go back, brat. Don't you have a meeting with that Akaya girl or something?"

   "Ayaka," he corrected stiffly, a scowl present on his face. The bijū rolled his eyes and flicked a furry paw, showing that he didn't care in the slightest.

   Still with his scowl, the boy vanished from his mindscape.


   Ayaka was waiting impatiently, standing in front of the place where they had first met. Her eyes lit up as she spotted the face she'd been waiting for, her lips curling into a pout.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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