Small Town Feelings (Jennifer Jareau x Reader)

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JJ watched her best friend dribbling the ball down the field, admiring the way her H/C hair looked when it was flowing behind her and the sunlight hit it just right. She had noticed lately that she had been feeling things toward her friend that were, well, a bit more than friendly.

JJ had come to terms, privately of course, with her bisexuality long ago. Though she was comfortable with this part of herself, she knew her community would not be. In a small town like East Allegheny, sexuality was not something to be questioned. It was a place where football reigned and old American ideals applied to every aspect of life. Not that JJ disliked her hometown, she loved the people and the community, she just wished their support would extend outside their close-minded beliefs.

This is why she was choosing to stay silent about her newfound feelings for her friend. She knew Y/N loved and supported her, and she was more open-minded than the majority of their town, but she didn't know how her friend identified. They had never really explicitly stated these things, in East Allegheny, you didn't discuss and question your sexuality so there was no reason for them to dive into that issue very deeply. JJ was fairly certain her friend would be accepting and kind if JJ shared that part of her identity with her, but she had no certainty that her friend would return the feelings.

Y/N and JJ had been best friends since they were three years old. The L/N family had moved to JJ's neighborhood shortly before JJ's third birthday, and her parents had invited the new family to the party in an attempt to welcome them into the community.

One thing led to another and the two girls were attached at the hip. This was common knowledge around town, it was very rare to see one girl without the other and JJ loved it that way. Looking back now, she can see that she's been in love with Y/N from the beginning. She has a strong feeling that if soulmates really did exist then Y/N would be hers. The only question now was if she was Y/N's. And god how she wanted to be.

She was drawn out of her thoughts by her friend jogging up to her, using one hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead with her shirt, the other holding her water bottle. Somehow, even with the sheen of sweat covering her body and her hair falling all over her face now that she was stationary, she was radiant. Simply enthralling. JJ kicked herself mentally as she realized she was staring. The sun was shining brightly behind Y/N, giving her a halo of light and absolutely destroying JJ. Her friend waved her hand in front of JJ's glazed over eyes, "Yo JAY, you alright, babe?"

Oh god, why did she was she so nice why did she use those terms of endearment so casually why was she so open with her affection? And god, why did she have to go and give her that nickname and say it all the time in that perfect way of hers? Why? Why was the sound of Y/N saying her name one of the most beautiful things JJ had ever heard? JJ hated just how lovable her friend was. Of course, she didn't really hate it. No part of her could possibly hate Y/N. But damn, she sure did make it difficult not to fall in love with her.

JJ shook her head quickly, she needed to stop getting lost in her thoughts, "Yeah, yeah don't worry. I'm fine, just tired is all."

Y/N smiled brightly, "Oh, ok. Good. You know you can tell me if something is bothering you, right? I'll always love you, no matter what."

It was all JJ could do not to groan out loud. Seriously. Why. "I promise, N/N, I'm ok. I have a lot on my mind but it's not worth talking about."

Her friend's face fell slightly, and she took on a concerned and pensive look, "Hm. Well, just know I'm here for you. Best friends forever, remember? Through EVERYTHING."

JJ laughed a little at the slightly pouty and juvenile tone Y/N pulled. She rolled her eyes, "Yeah I know, duh. Forever." She gestured to the friendship bracelets they had exchanged years ago, "You know I'll talk to you if it's anything worth discussing. Don't worry, you big dork."

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