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Name: Esther

Solomon (Brother)
Absalon (Brother)
Adolnijah (Brother)
Tamar (Sister)
David (Father)

Age: Unknown

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Light Blue

Bestfriends: Solomon's Pillars

Love Interest: Dantalion

Backstory: Esther was born the youngest of four siblings but was loved by all. Because of her beauty at such a young age, she was named Esther. She grew up loving her siblings and they in turn loved her just as much, especially Solomon and Absalon. During her brother, Solomons's reign as king, she met Dantalion and they both fell in love and promised each other they would be married. Then Esther was attacked by a demon and was left for dead. Before her death, Dantalion found her and they made a promise. This promise was that they would meet again and find a way into each other's life. When they did they would be married just as they promised before.


"Dantalion, we'll be together forever, no matter what happens to me or you, we will always find each other again." - to Dantalion

"I know you are wise Solomon and I can always come to you when I need help, but this is advice I need from you as my brother and not as king." - to Solomon

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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