Diary Entry 2: Where Is My Life Going???

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Today my day was not so lit. I caught Jeff and Ivy making out in the hallways and threw up in my mouth. As he was licking her she was murmuring about blue fish. Then Jeff's flowered glasses fell down his face to his mouth and Ivy licked them. Then Jeff really threw up because Jeff is a germaphobe. I want that from my bae. Should I reveal bae's name to you. I know you wont tell diary, but who will read you???? Fine, I guess I will reveal baes name to you. It's Joanna. I know I know. But thats who I love and she will always be my first bae. But like I said, I'm thinking about breaking it off for Cami. Cami is the hottest guy in Elton John Prep school, and I'm the hottest girl. We go together like shoobob shoowadawada dippidy ding de bob, so I think I'm bi. Actually, I'm super Lit rn.

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