Bonus Scene: The meet and greet

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*this part is another bonus scene for this story, its basically based on of Dante's helper, the Firekeeper. So i hope you guys enjoy this part.

Its been a year since the linking of the Fire, people waking up everyday enjoying life. But, what is our hero doing now? Only time will tell.

*Dante* Ruby, I you told that im not doing that again. Im not wearing a dress like Jaune did

*Jaune* thats mean though it's true

*Ruby* come on, you finally have normal skin now

*Dante* not sure if i should take that as a compliment or an insult?

*Pyrrha chuckles* it's ok dante, you're still as handsome as you were before

*Dante chuckles* that's what she said *Pyrrha smacks his arm which caused him to chuckle*

*Yang* Ok, who wants to play Truth or Dare?

*Dante* I choose Truth then

*Yang* do you plan on getting married to Pyrrha *Dante and Pyrrha blushed*

*Dante stutters* U-uh w-well i have n-no idea

*Yang laughs* looks like i succeeded my quest

*Weiss* Jaune, Truth or Dare?

*Jaune gulps* Truth

Weiss was going to say something to Jaune but was interrupted by a knock at their dorm room which Dante gets up and opens it

*Dante* Oh you made it. Guys, I would like to introduce you to the woman who saved me, Firekeeper

*Firekeeper* Hello *bows* I serve under my Ashen One who linked the Fire.

*Pyrrha* Hello, Im Pyrrha and im the girl who loves the Ashen One *Smirks*

*Dante* heh, Hope you guy wouldn't mind that i invited her here since we hardly hang out, sorry firekeeper

*Firekeeper* no need to apologize, business will be business for the Ashen One.

*Yang* so do we get back into the game?

*Weiss* it's still my turn

Other's were sitting in a form of a circle waiting what she will say which wouldn't be surprising if she said something stupid

*Weiss* Jaune, would you ever kiss me one day?

*Jaune blushes* w-what....I mean I-I don't k-know

The others were laughing at Jaune for blushing and stuttering while speaking

*Dante* good luck with that Jaune *punches his arm*

*Ruby* my turn *clears throat* Dante, truth or dare?

*Dante* Dare

*Ruby* I dare you to say to Glynda "I, Dante will be in your bed every night" in those exact words too

*Dante sighs* fine, will you guys be watching or no? *others nodding* *Sarcasm* great

*Dante looks at Pyrrha* don't worry, I wouldn't cheat on you *Pyrrha looks at him and smiles at him*

Dante walks into professor Goodwitch's office which caused her to be confused and raises her eyebrows while his friends were watching and holding their laughs

*Goodwitch* can i help you with something Dante?

*Dante takes a deep breath* I, Dante will be in your bed every night

Glynda looked at him all wide eyes and blushed a little

*Glynda* get out

*Dante* will do *walks away slowly*

*Two minutes later*

*Dante* im not doing that again, ever again

*Firekeeper* I must go Ashen One and friends, goodbye for now

Others said their goodbyes and waved at her which caused her to bow once more and disappear

*Dante* im gonna disappear too, by laying down on my bed

*Pyrrha* I'm coming with you

Other's said good night to them which they waved back before closing the door

*Ruby* should we continue?

*Weiss sarcastically laughs* No, im heading to bed *others agreeing which made ruby sad a bit*

*Ruby* Ok then.

*Im gonna end it here, I know, it had the worst ending ever but I just wanna say goodni-

*Ruby* Reaper, can't we just go to bed now?

*Weiss* yeah seriously, we have school tomorrow

*Me* Ok ok sorry, anyways goodnight guys and I will write another part *whispers* probably

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