Chapter III.

707 29 6

15 Years Old

     Hux slowly stood up at the sound of knocking on his window. He slowly opened the window to see (Y/N) standing there. 

     "What are you doing? If my father-" Hux was cut off as the girl hopped through the window and into his room. "You're soaking wet," he continued. 

     "News flash, it rains like every three hours here, Armitage," she said quietly. Hux went to argue but couldn't come up with anything, "Fair point.."

     (Y/N) laughed softly and grabbed the jacket that Armitage offered her. She wrapped it around her shoulders and sat down on top of the desk Armitage had in his room. 

     "Why are you here? Do you know what my father will do to me and to you if he finds you here," Hux quickly continued. 

     (Y/N) held her hands out for the redhead to hold, which he quickly accepted. "Armitage, it'll be fine. Your father isn't going to come marching in here at this hour, and if he does, I'll hop back out the window. I won't let you get in trouble because of me," she reassured him, rubbing her thumbs on the top of Hux's hands.

     Armitage stared at (Y/N), observing her eyes and the wet tendrils of hair that came close to hiding them. He didn't know what it was about her eyes, but they always held a sense of calmness. It was like some kind of magic that just staring into her eyes could calm the redhead down. (Y/N) knew exactly what to do to make him relax.

     Not caring that (Y/N) was still drenched, he wrapped his arms around her waist, hugging her as he rested his head on her shoulders and buried his face in the crook of her neck. (Y/N) wrapped an arm around Hux in return and ran her free hand through his disheveled red hair.

     Armitage bolted upright from where he had been sleeping at his desk and turned to look at who's hand was on his shoulder. 

     "What do you need, Captain," Hux asked the chrome Stormtrooper, stifling a yawn. 

     "General, the Supreme Leader has asked to speak to you and Ren," Phasma said, "I'm just relaying the message." Hux nodded and thanked Phasma before dismissing her.

     "Oo, little Armitage Hux is in trouble again. What did you do this time?"

     (Y/N)'s voice caused an audible groan from Hux as he turned in his chair to look at her, "Not you again." 

     (Y/N) laughed at his comment. After all these years, her laugh still sounded exactly as he remembered it. 

     "You're not going to believe me but I'm not trying to make this happen. It just does. I'm just as inconvenienced by this as you are," she stated.

     "Look, I don't know why you're doing this to me, but I really don't appreciate it," Hux countered, "All you've ever done is lie to me and you come along after all these years and just expect me to trust you all of a sudden? You're delusional!" 

     (Y/N) said nothing in response to him. Hux was on edge, waiting for her response, but when she didn't say anything, he prided himself in having defeated her in this little argument.

     Hux turned to go on his way, only to be stopped when hearing (Y/N) softly say, "I'm sorry." 

     The redhead turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow, "Sorry for what?"

     "I'm sorry for leaving you. I promised I would be there for you and I wasn't." She finally answered. "I promised I would always do what was best for you, always be there for you... But I had to do what was right for me for once and I'm sorry I couldn't tell you anything."

     That day stuck in Armitage's mind and haunted him, even after all these years. The knock on his window and the fact that she hadn't hopped through the window that night were cemented into his brain. It was unforgivable to him. 

     "Well, you did," Hux stated, his tone never softening. If anything, his tone became harsher. "You did leave. You left me alone on Arkanis with Brendol and Maratelle. I had no one, (Y/N). I was alone. No amount of apologies will ever fix what I went through when you left."  

     "Let me make it up to you... Please, Armitage." (Y/N) practically begged. "Please.."

      "No." He snapped. "And if you ever, ever show your face around here again, force connection or otherwise, I will make sure that you learn a lesson you will never forget." 

     The words burned as he spoke them, but he had to defend himself. Through his entire childhood, he had done nothing but show to (Y/N) that he could be pushed around and bullied into doing things. He was an adult now and could stand up for himself now. He was the general for the entirety of the First Order. (Y/N) had to learn he didn't depend on her for support anymore and that he wasn't going to stop everything just so he could hold her in his arms again, even if it was increasingly tempting.

     (Y/N) nodded slowly, her eyes drifting up to look at Armitage again. "I understand.."

     Hux turned his back to (Y/N) as the vision of her disappeared. He couldn't bear to see her disappear from his life again, even after what he had just said. Of course he wanted her back, but she would hate the person he had become. Hux wouldn't be able to handle her rejection once she realized what he was really like now. 

     The red-headed man fixed his uniform and headed out to meet with the Supreme Leader. The meeting should get his mind off of the situation with (Y/N), and hopefully, there would be no more force vision from now on. Things would just go back to the way they were before.

A Love Like War [Armitage Hux x Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin