Chapter II.

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     "It's been a while, Armitage..," the woman smiled a bit, taking a few steps towards the redhead. 

     Hux quickly pulled a blaster from inside his coat, aiming it at her. "What are you doing here," he demanded. 

     "I'm not here. You can shoot me but nothing will come of it. The others will just think you're a trigger happy hallucinator," she explained softly. 

     "I haven't seen you in almost ten years and you expect me to just accept that you show up here and it's not a hallucination," he asked, his voice still rather stern. 

     "It's been seven. Exactly seven years today, actually...," she said softly, looking down at her hands as she spoke, "It's been seven years and I haven't stopped thinking of you." 

     Hux slowly lowered his blaster and let out a deep breath. "How are you here," he asked again. 

     "Force connection," (Y/N) answered.

     Hux let out a laugh. "No, no. That's a lie. You are actually here. I don't have the force," he argued quickly. 

     "As much as you want to believe that, it's not true," (Y/N) said softly, "Everyone has the force, but some have it stronger than others. It seems like the force in you is determined to connect with me." 

     "This is all just some sad attempt to find me, isn't it? You left me, if I remember correctly. You blew your chance when you left," Hux interrupted. 

     (Y/N) looked baffled for a minute as she stood there. "Is that what you have to tell yourself so you can sleep at night? That I left you? You know that's a lie. I loved you." 

     "Stop it," he snapped, causing the girl to stumble backwards slightly, despite the fact that she wasn't there. "Stop lying to me. That is all you've ever done. Now leave before I call Ren in here to figure out where you are so I can track you down and put an end to all of this."

     A rather heartbroken expression made its way across (Y/N)'s face as he spoke. Armitage felt a pang of guilt but quickly pushed it away. He was standing his ground this time. 

     "As you wish, General...," (Y/N) said softly. 

     With that said, she disappeared. Hux paused for a few moments before putting his blaster away and leaning back against the wall. It had to be a hallucination. The stress was finally catching up to him and making him hallucinate. Hux figured he should visit the infirmary, but they would just put him on leave for a few days. Those were a few days that Hux couldn't afford to miss. There was too much going on for him to take a break now. 

     Or it could've been some sick joke by Kylo. Kylo was always looking through Hux's thoughts and playing little tricks on him. Hux wouldn't put that past Kylo now. After a few minutes, the redhead pushed himself up off the wall and headed out of his room again. There was no time to waste. Work had always been a remedy for him, so why would it be any different now. He just had to push through it and ignore anything that would delay his work. All he could truly hope for now was a decrease in the memories of his childhood. That would make the rest of his day all the better.


Author's Note

This took way longer than I expected it to, but it's finally out!!! It's also incredibly short and I'm sorry. I will be updating this story much more than I have been because I suddenly have the motivation to write this story!

A Love Like War [Armitage Hux x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora