Chapter 5: A Game of Chance

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Chapter 5: A Game of Chance

"Dot? Dot, you there? Dorthey? Son of a bitch."

The thief clenched his hands at his sides. Sam had hated this plan the moment he'd heard about it. It was bad enough that he had been 'benched', forced to stay behind and act as some sort of guard dog. Untrustworthy, that's what the Zara girl thought of him. Sam was very good at reading people, always had been since he was a kid; it was a skill that had allowed him to get out of hundreds of bad situations.

But now, as he paced around the hotel room, Sam Drake felt helpless. He shouldn't have listened to her, he should have trusted his judgement.


He stopped then, immediately replying.

"Victor?" He asked, "What the hell's going on in there? Dorthey's not answering me."

"Me neither," Sully sighed, "I don't know what happened, this isn't like her to do this."

Sam had thought that too. Ever since he had met Dorthey, Sam had thought she was a very grounded person, one who operated on a strict set of principles. If she decided to change the plan, there had to be something significant for her to do so.

Sam couldn't sit around a second longer. Picking up his copy of the room key, Sam practically ran to the elevator.

"Victor listen, I'm heading out now. I'll go get a suit from some shop down the street, and then I'll meet you inside."

"What?" Sully gasped, "Sam stop and think for a damn minute. We need to be careful-"

"I have been thinking, I'm done sitting around, Victor." Sam said, bashing his hand against the call button, "Dammit!"

"Look Sam, I know this isn't our typical kind of job. But Dorthey knows what she's doing. We need to trust her judgment here."

With a soft 'ding', Sam forced his body through the elevator doors, hitting the ground floor button in an instant.

"Look Victor, I realize I don't know Dot-Dorthey, as well as you do. But I know how this game works, and something about this isn't right. And deep down, you know it too."

Sully's lack of response only furthered Sam's argument.

The elevator doors opened once more, and Sam rushed out of them immediately. He didn't apologize when he bumped into a rather confused looking couple on the way out.

"Look, I'm walking out of the hotel now. Give me a heads up if anything else goes horribly wrong."

Sam could hear Sully sigh, "Dorthey's not going to like this."

A trace of a smile fell onto Sam's face, "Oh, I'm counting on it."


"Another drink, Miss?"

Dorthey looked up at the waiter who was questioning her. The young man looking at Dorthey was cute, with his dark hair and blue eye combo. He was too young for Dorthey's liking, but the smile he gave her was a nice distraction from Dorthey's current reality.

Nodding, Dorthey sat back as the waiter picked up her glass, taking it to the bar to refill it.

Nikolai Petrov had brought Dorthey back to the private party room used by him and his colleagues each year. The room itself was smaller than Dorthey expected; sealed behind closed doors, the room consisted of a large gambling table, currently set up to play roulette, as well as a small bar located on the opposite end of the room. When they first entered, the room had been quiet, too quiet for Dorthey's liking. Five other men, all of whom were dressed in black suits, looked up at Petrov, and the woman that joined him.

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