Chapter 1: Leads & Lies

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Seventeen years later....

"Ms. Zara, how on Earth did you find us?"

Dorthey Zara, now a thirty-seven-year-old woman, circled the two thieves cautiously, her gaze never leaving theirs'."

"Simple. I just followed the scent of liars and assholes, and went from there."

"Funny, but that still doesn't explain it I'm afraid."

"Look here, Leon," Dorthey said, her voice utterly serious, "You have something I want, something I've spent months trying to find," She didn't hesitate to raise her pistol at the one called Leon, "Now, hand it over, and no one gets hurt."

Leon laughed a humorless laugh, pushing up his glasses.

"You see, Ms. Zara, I afraid I don't have what you're looking for."

"I find that extremely hard to believe."

"Well believe it!" Leon's sidekick, Mitch yelled, "We have nothing to hide."

"Yet here we are," Dorthey said with a snicker, "In the same underground tomb half-way across the world, looking for the exact same artifact."

"You want the tiara." Leon proclaimed.

Mitch looked at his partner with confusion, "What the hell are you doing?"

But Leon ignored him, instead keeping his eyes locked to Dorthey's green ones, "Should have figured a Zara would be after it."

Dorthey held his gaze, she never backed down when confronted, especially about her family.

"This had nothing to do with them," She stated firmly, "If you must know, this is just a job for me, one that I've been working on for over a year. I think my client deserves what they're paying for," She pushed her gun into Leon's forehead, cocking it back, "now, tell me where it is."

Leon smiled, "You're good, you know that? But I can see right through your tough-girl bullshit Zara, and you know what? It doesn't scare me."

Dorthey hated that smile on his face. It was a smile she had seen many times in her life, a smile she wanted to wipe off Leon's ugly face.

"Come one," Leon probed, "What are you waiting for? Do it bitch!"

Oh that was it.

Dorthey lowered her gun, "You're right, I'm not that kind of girl, I don't take lives. But I do have a habit of ruining them."

Dorthey kept her eyes on the men as she reached into her bag, pulling out her trusty laptop.

"What are you doing?" asked Mitch.

Dorthey gave the men a smile of her own, "I've been busy over the past year boys, not just with finding this tiara."

"What are you talking about?" Leon demanded.

"You see gentleman, I like to know my enemy, and right now, that's you. And over last few months, I've been doing my research on you two, and I know everything. I know the address of every house you've ever lived at, the account number to your bank accounts, even the ones in the Bahamas," She flashed them a grin at that remark, noticing their faces grow pale, "I also know your social security numbers, your alias, and most importantly, I've granted myself access to every record stored on your hard-drives. I know every client, every treasure, every place you've ever stolen from. And all I have to do is simply send all this information to every law enforcement agency who has a warrant on your ass, and then poof. There's not a single place you can hide from your past."

"You-you're not serious!" Mitch yelled at Dorthey, his voice shaking.

Dorthey's smile only grew, "Try me."

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