Ham And Pineapple; Farm Weddings.

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With a huff she waltz off into my office to deal with her mother, Julia and I have the same opinion regarding Odette's welfare and we tend to team up whenever she does something that she shouldn't, although I think coming from her Mum she takes it to heart a bit more than my incessant nagging. "Hey what are you guys doing here?" My glance shuffles between the two premature couples, I wasn't expecting them to arrive for another hour yet - then the thought dawns on me, "wait, how did you get in?"

"That doesn't really matter, what's up with Odette?" Niall asks, his reaction fleeting and it rouses suspicion.

"Well it does matter and I'll get back to that later, and she keeps pushing herself too far so I told Julia." They communally take a sharp intake of breath through their teeth and the hiss causes me to jump. "What?"

"You told on her? That's not very gentlemanly harry."

"No, I agree with you." Ben nods his head, his arm placed around Lucy whilst they snuggle together on our couch, "she needs to slow down. Odette is awful for doing too much at once."

My gesture is in agreement when Niall glances up at me, "she's just bored at the moment."

"Ahh defiance, the best kind of love." Lucy chuckles, her fingers childishly pinching Ben's cheek in the process.

"Odette is doing so well at the minute, I just don't want something to happen that could set her back, or potentially ruin everything she's been through. So if she gets angry with me for stopping her from running, so be it, at least it'll help her in the long run."

"Has she been angry with you."

I nod, "she gets more and more frustrated with me every day, but I only do it because I love her."

"And she does know that, no matter how many times she rolls her eyes at you." Amy chirps in making me laugh, yes that seems to have become a regular occurrence as of late.

'Mama wasn't pleased, I hope you're happy.' She signs, pressing my phone into my chest as she walks past and heads towards the kitchen, my eyes widen at her attitude knowing that if she'd have spoken those last few words I would have heard nothing but sarcasm drip from her beautiful French lips.

A smirk appears on my face, it's not often that Odette isn't happy with me, we're both relatively laid back people - but due to our current circumstance the air is slightly more tense; I don't worry myself at her attitude, I know that in about an hour she will come over and cuddle into my side - like she has done every day this week - tell me she's sorry, and then leave a ghost like kiss against my cheek. My beautiful neighbour works like clockwork and I can't wait until she gives in, neither of us can stay away from each other, we both have too much to lose.

"I'll be right back." I say to the others not wanting to waste anymore time. I find Odette stood with her back to me in our kitchen, she's occupying herself by putting all of our snacks into their rightful bowls ready to be presented to our guests; my shoulder leans against the door frame as I watch her, Odette in all of her elegance, simply pouring salt and vinegar crisps into a bowl - she could make anything look graceful.

My feet take their time as I make my way over, knowing that I'm not exactly in her good book right now but I can't keep away from her - she's like the other half to my magnet, we draw each other in like a chemical reaction and I can't help but be with her, I hate it when she's mad at me. My hands work their way around her hips and I pull her small frame towards my body leaving a millimetre of space, she attempts to wriggle away but her will power is futile - she feels the exact way I do, she just can't keep away. I press my desperate lips to her neck and feel her lungs expand at the large intake of air, her body shivers at my touch and second by second I feel her body loosen in my grasp. 'I'm still mad at you.'

Dear Dulcie [h.s.]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat