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I've had it with this shit
I cant do it anymore
He cant keep doing this
That fucking selfish bastard can't keep his mind off himself
Doesn't give two shits about what happens to his kids
If he gets me any more pissed at this moment I'm going to lose my shit and end it
I can't call him my dad anymore
Not when he's made my mom cry so many times
Not when he's scared my siblings
Not when he's ruined my entire view of love
Not when he keeps lying
Saying he'll be back and he'll love us and stay with us

Why does he think its alright for him to do this???
Why are people like this??
They leave
They always leave
They don't give a fuck about what happens to others
And leave

I can't survive another day with this monster or I'm going to go batshit crazy

I'm sorry
I'm so sorry
I just had to get it out or I'm going to pop


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