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Lets talk

Soo mi sat on the edge of the bed while she held a pillow between her arms . She sat there not knowing if she had to cry or scream or run back home . Yoongi came back into her room and gave her to eat some soup . She took the soup and held it i her hands making sure not to drop it . She slowly ate is as a million thoughts came in her mind . With the corner of her eyes she could see yoongi staring at her . She put down the soup and looked at yoongi .

In return yoongi gave her a weak smile then he got up . He sat beside her and gave her a big hug that made her smile a bit .

" my parents are coming soon let us go down oh and you have to change the blood makes things a lot worse " he said as he looked out of his window.

" it's okay I can leave maybe go back home anyways I am a burden " soo mi stated with no hesitation since she knew she was a pain in the butt .

" no heck I won't let you leave you stay here I will go get you something to wear something like a hoodie and sweatpants because mom is gonna come soon and cook food for us "

Yoongi went back to his room and got a black hoodie and grey sweatpants. He tried finding the smallest sizes for her hoodie .

He went back to soo mi and gave her what he found she nodded her head and an awkward silence fell upon them . The both looked at each other until yoongi understood he had to leave the room .

Yoongi left the room silently and started pacing the corridors of his mansion , he knew his parents are going to come home and his mom will cook dinner , but he rushed down stairs and went to his maid so she can make banana milk her favorite.

Soo mi slowly got out of the room and walked down the stairs making that made her feel wealthy . But she remembered she is only ordinary unlike yoongi . She ran down the stairs until she got to a huge living room .

She looked around and she saw a big table with fancy decorations a big screen and curtains hanging from the ceiling to the bottom. A big chandelier hung from the ceiling which lit up the whole room . White leather couches made things feel cozy and the small chimney warmed the whole atmosphere.

Yoongi came from behind scaring her which almost made him spill the banana milkshake. They both started laughing which filled the empty atmosphere.

" thanks " soo mi said with a weak smile .
" hey let's watch a movie , DESPICABLE ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE " yoongi begged like a child .

It made her laugh how a grown person can be so cute and act like a five year old . Soo mi didn't care so she agreed . The butler made them popcorn and served them with cake and sweets by the time the movie ended everything was almost gone and they were both passed out with about 20 cola cans surrounding them .

" yoongi hun wake up dinner is ready" Mrs. Min said . She started shaking up the boy but nothing he didn't move a bone it was like he is a statue . After what seemed like hours he finally woke up to see soo mi sleeping into him and his mom watching him . He shook Soo mi and she woke up directly.

Soo mi panicked so she stood up and bowed to Mrs.Min . The mid aged woman chuckled and took them to the dinner table where yoongi's father sat .

" hi father " yoongi said as he bowed down and rubbed his eyes .

" hello Mr.Min " Soo mi said and bowed down to him .

" Soo mi right ? It's been a while since I saw you "

" I was busy with school , that's why I couldn't always make it "

" c'mon hip hip guys the food will get cold " Mrs.Min said as she assigned her to sit beside yoongi .

They both sat at the table and yoongi started adding food to his plate a little bit of everything while Soo mi didn't put anything. She watched them as a family and how they ate . Since Soo mi was daydreaming about this perfect family she didn't realize yoongi was putting in her plate ramen and some steak on another plate with mashed potato and kimchi.

Soo mi nodded her head as a gesture of thank you . She started eating up fast so she can get up as soon as possible.

" eat slowly soo mi if you eat fast you will get sick " yoongi whispers

" soo mi we heard about today and we are truly sorry may your mother Rest In Peace but we are willing to help and that is only if you want us to help " Mr.Min said

Now all the table stopped eating and looked at soo mi and yoongi's Dad . Yoongi broke the silence when he excused himself and soo mi .

He dragged her by her hand and took her upstairs to the guests room . He finally let go when he fully looked the door .

" yoongi what was that for ?! "

" we need to start packing "

" packing ? What are you talking about ? "

" We are leaving to Seoul today "

" what no "

" yes , we are I already packed but we need to get you packed , I have your passport and other stuff "

" how the heck - "

" I stole them once I have been preparing for this for about a month now "

"yoongi but your parents said they will help"

" liars you don't even know them "

" but - "

" no but's this is for the better for you and I trust me on this one "

" yoongi "

" can we runaway ? "

" I can't yoongi "

" but you want to "

" I do "

" then lets do it "

" I have no money "

" my grandpa left me something to work with "

" what time ? "

" train leaves at 12:00 am , and my parents go to bed at 10:00 pm so everything is perfect now lets go and enjoy our meal because they are already upstairs "

And Soo mi followed yoongi downstairs without any word they got downstairs and the table was empty only their food was i the table they sat down and continued to eat .

It was time to runaway to Seoul and start his dream and a new page for Soo mi .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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