Food and Smokes

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V
It's been a good 2 hours, but still no food.
Hunter and I have been trying to find food for a while and felt like giving up.
"Any luck man"?
Hunter shakes his head no.
Bummer. . . At this rate Hunter might eat me if we don't hurry and find food.
Man this sucks.
Right when I was calling it quits for the day I heard something that echoed through out the city.
It scared me, cause when those gunshots were fired a horde of zombies came running towards the direction they were fired at.
This was good for me cause when that happened i checked to see where they came from and saw a store.
A grocery store.
Oh thank all various gods.
I just hope there's food in there.


Well the store had alot of canned food which was good.
I have a can opener and found some matches in the hotel room so i can start a little fire to cook.
Hunter and I are still looking for more food until we heard the gunshots again.
They were getting annoying.
My only question is what the hell are they shooting at?
Its not a horde.
The gunshots sound like they are trying to kill something that keeps running away.
I might be wrong though.

Smoker's P.O.V
These jerks are not leaving me alone!
I knew trying to eat his partner was a bad idea, but can you blame me!
I'm starving!
I need to eat in order to keep my sense and to stay alive.
We special infected can stay alive for a long time if were careful.
We also need to eat.
Half of our kind are now lost causes.
They lost what makes them at least a little bit alive.
Our sanity and the part that makes us a little human.
They thought that eating was not needed for special infected like them, but in the end they lost all their sanity and now they are actual killing machines.
I think the worst part of it is that after they kill them they don't eat them.
They don't eat their kill.
They just kill to kill.
Its bad.
I'm just glad I have my mind in tact.
My only problem is my memory.
The only memory that I have for now was the outbreak happening and what happened after that and so forth.
I just wish there was a cure already so I can go back to my normal self.
If there is a cure maybe. . . Just maybe I can get alot of my memories back.
I then ran through an abandoned building throwing my tracks off from these assholes.
Lucky for me I know where to hide too!
There's an abandoned safe house close to the motel down the block.
Once I get there i can-

Hunter's P.O.V
I heard those gunshots again, but they were closer then before.
I left the store just to see where those shots came.
I look down the streets to see 3 men surrounding a smoker.
He's injured.
"Well lookie what we got ourselves here fellas! A special trying to get away after trying to get one of us so he can eat us"!
Oh no no no!
I ran back to the store to get (Y/N).
I can't stand to see a special get hurt by jerks like these who don't understand how we are feeling.
Once I found (Y/N) I quickly grabbed him and dragged him where a smoker was about to get killed.
He was going to yell at me until I coverd his mouth and made a listen motion for him to understand.

(Y/N) P.O.V
I did what Hunter told me to do and kept quiet until i heard what he dragging me to.
I took a peek to see a smoker getting beat up.
Those asses!
I want to help, but I dont have a gun nor do I have a melee  weapon.
I have to do something fast so they dont kill him.
I was thinking about doing a sneak attack, but I got a better idea.
I look at Hunter and whispered to him.
"Hunter do you mind being bait and take them to freezer in the market and locking them in there"!
Hunter looks at me for a second and nods his head.
He ran to an area where he can be seen and made his growling and screeching sounds to catch their attention.
"Look another one of this things buddys, lets leave this one and get that son of a bitch"!
They start to chase Hunter leaving the Smoker alone.
Once they were out of sight I quickly ran towards Smoker.
"Oh sweet gods they recked you up man"!
The smoker was not pleased to see me, he started to attack me, but like always I keep dodging every attack.
Man I hope Hunter is all right.

Hunter's P.O.V
I lured them to the store in the back where the freezer was.
Once inside i hid somewhere close to the door and saw the men pass me and went further in the freezer.
I walked out and then closed the door and locked it.
However in order for them to stay put for good, i broke the handle.
I laughed.
I grabbed our stuff and booked it towards (Y/N).
Once I got there I see (Y/N) hugging the smoker and telling him everythings gonna be alright.

Smoker's P.O.V
I was trying to kill him but he kept on dodging me.
I then grabbed him with my tongue, and pulled him towards me.
I was gonna swing at him, but he did something no one has ever done when ever i catch them.
He turned around and hugged me.
"Shhh Its ok, I understand. Your confused, hungry, and in need of help. So please. . . Let me be the first to help you" he says in a calming voice.
My tongue loosen around him and i began to hug him back.
I can feel myself wanting to cry, but I was still in shock.
I look at the man and then I see a hunter smile at me and then stand next to him.
"Can you talk"? The man says to me.
I look at him and nodded no.
I tried many times to talk, but it all came out as coughs.
The man smiles at me.
"Its ok. Hunter can't talk either, but in time you guys will talk again. Also where are my manners, just because were in a apocalypse doesn't mean I can't introduce myself my name is (Y/N) (L/N)! If you like you can stay with me and Hunter, there is always room for others who need help".
He hugs me one more time, Hunter hugs me too.
I hug them all back, and to be honest. . . I feel loved.
"Ok Hunter we gotten enough food for more then 5 people. So lets head back to the motel".
I know where a safe house is!
I grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and started guiding him to the safe house.
He doesn't know yet, but he will.
Hunter gave me a confused look at first until they both saw a house with a cross in it, and it has a arrow pointing out where to go.
"A safe house"!
I smile and soon they both began to follow me.
For the first time since the outbreak I finally did not feel alone.

L4D "Protect and Heal" (Special Infected X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now