Phobia of Flying

27 3 0

Checking the aeroplane wings every few seconds,

'Nothing to worry about' they all recon.

You wish you never watched that crash investigation show,

Its only made you wriggle your toes,

In anxiety.

Your family jokes about your new found phobia,

While you death stare the sign that says no beer.

Every time the plane jerks or wobbles in the air,

You wish your life will be spared.

Looking around, taking in all the faces,

Wishing for them to be the safest.

Making an action plan in your mind,

In case a crash endangers your kind.

Tightening you seat belt, hoping it would be strong enough,

Wishing you could secure yourself to the chair with hand cuffs.

Soon the Captain declares we will be landing,

You shut your eyes, silently sighing.

Eating Mentos to keep out air bubbles,

Hoping there will be no troubles.

Reading the safety manual, not liking my chances,

Checking the wings every couple of glances.

Hoping you will live by tomorrow,

Praying to land to save the sorrow.

Why oh why do i have this phobia?

Poems of a TeenWhere stories live. Discover now