I broke the contact as Melanie's voice brought me back to reality.

"Kay! Kendyl hello? Are you still there?"

"Yes yes sorry I'm here. Look I have to go. See you later"

"Kay byeee" we both hung up

"Kendyl!" I peeled off the curb driving away.

Monday morning came way too quickly. The weekend ended before I could even blink.

I was exhausted, all I kept thinking about was Trent and prom. I couldn't do homework nor study for my math test today. And dancing? That's out of the question, I had no energy for that.

But the good thing about it, we were on yet another break.

"Hey good morning"

"What's so good about it?" I sighed heavily roaming around the kitchen like a zombie.

"Well you're alive that's for sure" he chuckled

"When did you get back?" I asked my brother. His hair grew long and he had a full beard.

"I flew in on a red eye last night" he said biting into an Apple from the fruit basket on the island.

"Did you like it?" I poured some Cinnamon Toast Crunch into a large bowl.

"Eh it was okay. What I'm thinking though, maybe I'll join the Marines" he stated sitting on a stool across from me.

I began to devour it with a big spoon after I poured my almond milk.

"The Marines? As in guns and stuff?"

"Yeah as in guns and stuff--can you chew first. You're spitting cereal all over me"

He laughed wiping at his expensive suit. Renae bought him his first Armani for the business school interview. He was still thinking about going to Colombia with her.

"Sorry" I said through a mouthful finishing my food.

"When do you think you're going to join?"

"Right after I'm done high school. I have one more marking period of school."

Porter had to repeat a year because of an injury that happened his sophomore year on the baseball field.

"And your wedding?"

He sighed running his fingers through his hair.
"I don't know. I guess we will prospone it for now"

"Did you tell Renae?"

I put the bowl to my lips drinking down the cinnamon flavored milk.

"I'm going out to meet up with her today. Later Kay" he got up to kiss my forehead.

He was a man now, he looked just like dad. Being 19 in high school must be stressful while your girlfriend is twenty one and in college, he has a lot on his plate this year.

"BITTTCCHH-Oh Hey Porter" Melanie said came barging in. Porter shook his head laughing on his way out.


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