Chapter 12 | Electrocutions

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So it was nothing. Tom Lauren was perfectly healthy and his injuries were minor superficial scratches. Today was the day of the wedding, and Vi was preparing herself in her room. Her dress was a white silk covered in lacy flowers and thin sheer sleeves. Her veil gently graced her face and sometimes tickled her nose. Knock. Knock. Knock.


"Violet? It is time to leave. The car is ready to take you to the Plaza."

"Thank you, Colin. Walk me down?"

"Yes Ma'am." Opening the door, Vi stepped slowly out and grabbed her train in her free hand, and then hooked her other around Colin's.

Tom was waiting at the Plaza watching the electrician work his magic for the small little white lights that Vi had requested. It was outside, and the sun was beginning to set, and with that, came a light drizzle. The noise of a car pulled up to the tent, and out stepped the driver, who then gingerly opened the door to let out a woman veiled in white. Soon, the roar of cars was eminent, and loads of people poured out of the door like water from a pitcher.

"Tom, I heard about you accident, how are you brother?" Asked George.

"Better. The doctor said that nothing was wrong, praise God."

"Think of it though, today, you will be a married man!" At this comment Tom just smiled and then walked away. It was evident to all that Tom was hiding something, but the true question was...what was he hiding?

The ceremony had ended. Vi and Tom were man and wife. Friends, family, even some of Toms coworkers congratulated him on his success.

"Tom Lauren! The married man." Shouted one, and tossed up his wine glass to cheer them. "I heard someone was murdered at your house a few nights ago, Tom. Must have been a complete shock."

"It was. Vi and I couldn't even fathom who would do such a thing. And at our pre-wedding party too!" Toms voice faltered.

"Yes, I understand. But I'll tell you what. Since your married now and to get your mind off of murder and things, come with me and a few buddies (at this, the 'buddies', most likely overhearing the conversation, cheered) and we'll all head down to the arcade a few miles from your house. They have shuffle ball, beer, pool, and ski-ball!"

"Ski-ball is my life!" Shouted Tom. "I always loved that game when I was a kid. I'm game fellas."

Now, it was pouring outside and the electrical outlets were on the fritz. The electrician who was very passionate about his job decided to take it upon himself to check on his lights. And from that chaos exploded. There was electricity, and there was water. And there was electricity, water, and a perfect conductor. And then just like with Toms accident, all of those came into contact and a scream radiated from the electricians body. Three yards away Tom and Vi could hear a scream still very loud. Rushing from the inside, they ran outside to see the electrician hyperventilating on the ground.

"My boy are you ok?" Asked Tom.

"Water. Need water. No. I'm fine. Wait...I'm not fine. Ok, where's the food?"

"You darned man! Get you your senses! You've been electrocuted. I'll need to fetch a phone. There is one inside." Tom galloped inside and spun the dial to 9-1-1. 

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