Chapter Two - A Little Bit of Teasing (KaiMaki Chapter)

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Kaito Momota's POV
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Kaito is still against the wall beside Maki, still reddened. He stares at nothing, thinking. No. Kokichi doesn't want something like that.
     Kaito clears his throat. "So, uh..." he mumbles in attempt to break the awkward tension lingering in the air. He looks down at the brunette.
     Maki looks up at him, her face as red as her eyes.
     Both remain silent. They look away, and Kaito bites his lip slightly. He feels as if he made everything even more awkward. He becomes more reddened as he continues thinking that Kokichi doesn't want that, but fails to protest within his mind. He shakes his head and stands up suddenly. "W-what now?" he says, looking back at Maki.
     Maki looks up, curling up slightly. "I don't know..." she murmurs.
     Kaito slightly rubs the back of his neck. "Eh... Kokichi's gonna get it when we get outta here..."
     Maki nods a little bit, standing up as well.
     Kaito then sighs, averting his gaze as he feels a bit of sweat forming on his forehead. 'Dammit... Dammit dammit dammit...' he repeats in his mind. He quickly looks back at Maki and folds his arms a little. "Hah... Uh... So..."
Maki sighs. "You're just making things more awkward, idiot..." she murmurs.
"H-Hey, you can't blame me! Especially because Kokichi—" Kaito closes his mouth quickly and looks away.
Maki suddenly grabs his hand, making Kaito quickly look back at her. "Because he what?"
"...trapped us in here...and wants" Kaito bites his lip, sweating.
Maki blushes again. "..."
Kaito huffs. "Hm..." He then smiles a bit. "How 'bout we do something, but...tease him?"
"Kaito? What are yo—?"
Maki is silenced as Kaito, boldly, places his lips on hers, his eyes closed. He pulls away with a goofy grin, winking at the brunette.
Maki covers her reddened face. "I-idiot!!! D-do you want to die?!?!" she says, flustered.
"Hey, I thought it was a good idea..." Kaito rubs the back of his neck.
Maki looks up at him. "W-what do you mean?!"
"Like I said. We tease him." Kaito winks again, smiling.
"We make it seem like he's gonna get what he wants, but then he doesn't..."
Maki pulls her hands away from her face. "Hm... I see..."
     "So what do yo—?" Kaito gets cut off as Maki grabs his shirt collar and kisses him abruptly. Kaito is thrown completely off guard, then his eyes slowly close as he returns the kiss, wrapping his arms around Maki. Maki's arms slowly slip around his neck.
After a little bit, Kaito pulls away. The two gasp for air, then their lips connect again.
Kaito's heart throbs at first. Then it calms down. He likes this. He loves this. He loves Maki.
They pull away again, both panting, gasping for air. Both of their faces are reddened.
"Heh... Maki Roll... I...I liked that..." Kaito pants, smiling a bit.
     Maki doesn't respond for a moment, then smiles a little. "I...did too..." she mumbles quietly, still panting.
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Yooooooooooo KaiMaki is the OTP
Next up is SaiMatsu

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