Chapter 16: Control

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Kion was woken up by Zazu's shouts. They did seem urgent though so he got up to see what happened. "Zazu calm down and tell us what happened?" Simba asked. "The lions in the outlands are declaring war!" Zazu exclaims. "What why?" Nala asked alarmed. "They want to avenge Scar." Zazu explained.
"Mom? Dad? Why would these lions want to avenge Scar?" Kion asked. Simba sighs and explains. "These Lions are led by Zira who was...particularly close to Scar and loyal." Kion's eyes go wide. He had no idea anyone liked Scar...that way. He didn't even know anyone was loyal to him besides the hyenas. "Woah, so what are we going to do?" Kion asked. Simba sighs."Well, hopefully we could try to talk to them." "And if you can't?" Kion asks. "Then..we have to be prepared for a war." Then he looks at Kion. "And you are staying out of it. I am sending you and Kiara somewhere safe."
"Dad! I am the leader of the lion guard! Protectors of the pridelands! Isn't this what we are supposed to be prepared for!" "Kion-" "I have the roar dad, I am more powerful than any of those lions." "Kion-" "I am more powerful than any lion for that matter. I can stop this war." Simba didn't like the way his son was talking. He is sounding like someone he once knew. He then saw Kion's mark on his shoulder start to glow a bright green color. He knew that probably didn't mean anything good.
"Kion! I don't want you getting hurt! These lions are far much older than you! And that is final! As your king I forbid it!" Simba says sharply. He then walked away before Kion could say anything else. He was mad now. Why couldn't he fight along side everyone? He then felt his mark burn. He looked at it and saw it changing. The mark started to form a scar on its eye. "Oh no." Kion said to himself. Was he turning into Scar? That is the last thing he wanted to do. He ignored it. He thought it was probably nothing. He just won't get angry like that anymore, if that is what was happening. He knew he had to control temper because in controlling his temper, he controls the roar and if he loses control of the roar, then there are severe consequences. He remembers the last time he lost control of the roar and he caused an earthquake that made the ground split, and his mom went through. He almost lost her. From that day, he knew he needed to control the roar. He does remember what his mom told him to do. To trust himself. He takes a deep breath and goes to a quiet place to think. "Kion." shouted a deep voice from above. Kion looks up and sees his grandfather in the sky with a rather disapproving look on his face. "Grandfather-" started Kion but Mufasa interrupted him.
" Kion! We talked about this over and over, you can't lose your temper. That can fuel the roar and make it powerful. More than you can handle." Mufasa states. "I'm sorry, it's just- I-I feel like I need to help and protect." Kion says.
"Kion, all your father wants is for you to be safe, he loves you. Kion, go with your sister and the guard, be somewhere safe until all of this is over." Mufasa tells him. Kion sighs but nods. Mufasa fades away. Kion then feels his mark start to burn and he drops to the floor in pain. When he gets up, his mark now looks like scar and glowed green. His eyes then turned green and he grinned. "I think it is time for me and my nephew to have a reunion."
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