Part 35

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Because Hope was able to calm you down quickly, Danny was okay with her being a service dog. She could go with you everywhere. Except, the next week was spent in your room. When you were sitting around crying, then rehydrating yourself just to cry again, then you were training Hope. She had learned how to sit easily. She was truly a good dog.
Friday night was your worst night. You spent hours crying, and then trying to drink water while crying just to choke on it. You were up until 2 A.M. repeating this over and over. You finally fell asleep with Hope by your side.
Saturday morning, you tried to get something done. You cleaned your room of tissues and changed into something other than pajamas. You also showered and brushed your teeth. But, as usual, you wound up back in bed, your face in a pillow. Around noon, there was a knock on the door.
You lift your head up. "Come in," you say in a weak voice. Your head falls back into the pillow.

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