Grey's POV: Rewind

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Surprise! I'm aliivveee! I know, I know, it's been a while. Okay, a long while. I posted on my page why it's been so long if you're interested, but the point is I'm back! I took a break from this story specifically because I felt like all of the support I was recieveing wasnt really mine. I was sad that my other stories - the original ones, I mean - didn't have as many views or votes or comments as this one, which is a spinoff of CJ_Adler's story. I wanted to focus on "my own content", but something I've realized since then is that the views and the votes and the comments shouldn't be the reason I write, and this is my own content. I don't mean to "steal" anything from the author, because as I mentioned before, THIS IS A SPIN OFF BASED ON CJ_Adler's BOOK, but it's still my writing and I'm proud of that. So, I've decided to write another chapter! I won't be updating this often, because I do actually want to write my own stories with my own ideas as well, but hopefully I'll be posting a few more chapters at least :)

Okay, now that that's out of the way, before you start reading there are a few things you should know:

          1) This is a spin off of the last half of chapter 37 of the sequel to "Pause" (previously titled His Bubblegum Klutz - the sequel is titled "Rewind"). It is in the POV of Grey Ferrot, one of the main characters in "Pause" and "Rewind" (as if you didn't know that :)).

         2) THERE ARE MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD. LIKE, MAJOR. If you haven't read "Rewind" yet, don't read this. Seriously, this chapter is one big spoiler so go read "Rewind" first, and I'll see you back here when you finish. 

          3) DISCLAIMER: The ideas and characters in this story are not my own original work. Although I am writing this, I do not claim to own any character or idea present in this work. 

Okay, I think I've covered it! If you're reading this now, it means you've stuck with me thus far, and I really appreciate that :) thanks for reading, and enjoy!

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     "You're going to loose," I hear a quite voice say with a micheivious undertone. I turn my head to see her looking at me with an expectant smirk. I could tell she wanted me to challenge her, and who was I disappoint?

     "You're on, Lawson!" I say back loudly, the competitive side of me coming out yet again. She seems to have that affect on me. On most people, really. She's extremely infuriating when she wants to be...and when she doesn't.

     We were all currently trudging through a forest, heading to the river with our large black tubes under our arms. I have to suppress a smile when Aqueela begins to roll hers instead of carrying it and settle instead for a slight shake of my head. She never was one for strenuous activity - or any activity, really.

     "Is there a race?" Landon asks excitedly as he catches up to us. I push away the tick of annoyance I felt at the intrusion into the conversation. "I'm in!"

     "What race now?" JT asks from the other side of me, an almost nervous hint to his voice. Actually, that is a good question. I shrug, not knowing the answer and not really caring. All I know is that I'm going to win.

     "I have no idea, all I know is that I'm going to beat and destroy Lawson," I say with determination in my voice. I decide to take it a step further, just for show. Plus, it's fun to see Aqueela riled up. "Completely humiliate her. Hopefully, I'll be able to drown her somewhere in the process, like on the way there."

     "On the way there?" JT asks with a raised eyebrows, skeptical of my sanity probably.

     "Who cares? Just get with the program, JT," I reply. I was eager to start this race, I didn't have the patience to worry about logistics and what not. I glance at Aqueela to see her with a small smile on her face as she looks at JT and I, intrigued with our conversation. It takes all of my will power to resist the smile of my own that's threatening to break through.

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