Jay's POV: Something About Her

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Hello everyone! I want to thank you all for liking and supporting this story...reaching 10k reads is a HUGE milestone for me as a writer, and even though this isn't my own story line, I'd like to think that it's still my story, so thank you. In celebration of reaching 10k, I've decided to write another chapter. Originally, I was planning to write it it the point of view of one of the more minor characters (aka not Jay or Aqueela), but a lot of you have been asking me to keep it in Jay's POV, so that's what this chapter will be. Tell me your thoughts on me writing a chapter in someone else's point of view, in case I decide to write another part after this...thanks again for the support!


"You're late, Taylor." Mr. Daughtry says as I enter the room.

"Great observation, genius." Is what I would like to say. Instead I just ignore him. Unfortunately, I'm trying this new thing where I try to not get in more trouble than needed.

Not off to a great start, considering this is detention.

I walk past Daughtry silently and let my eyes trail over the classroom. I stop when my eyes meet hers. She's giving me a huge smile and all I wan't to do is smile back, but I can't. So I force my face to remain emotionless as I look away from her and begin to walk to the back of the room.

"To the front, Taylor. Where I can see you." Daughtry says insistently. I turn back around to face the front. "Take a seat next to Lawson." He points to an empty seat next to hers. I glance at her nervously. I'm a little wary of being around her after our little...a venture. And by that I mean our trip to jail. I opened up to her, and I don't do that a lot, so I'm a little uncomfortable and unsure about what to do now. Reluctantly, I walk towards the front and take the empty seat, purposefully staring straight ahead, at the blackboard.

I can feel Aqueela staring at the side of my face. I watch her from the corner of my eye for a while, listening to the sounds of the clock.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

My eye begins to twitch, and I turn my body away from her stare. She not so subtly follows the movement to continue staring at me, widening her eyes and smiling a very creepy smile. The minutes pass by and my eye begins to twitch more, but I keep my stony gaze on the blackboard. I absentmindedly begin tapping my pen on the desk in anxiety.

After a minute or so of doing that, Mr. Daughtry says, "Taylor, stop tapping that pen!" And that's when I loose it.

"Would you quit staring?!" I hiss at Aqueela, suddenly turning my head towards her and making her jump. I feel people turn and look at us, making me even more uncomfortable.

"Would you quit ignoring?" She says calmly, having recovered from the jump. I stare deadpanned at her just as Mr. Daughtry interrupts.

"Taylor? Lawson? There a problem?" He asks, an eyebrow raised.

"Nope, teach." Aqueela says with a sickly sweet smile, not breaking eye contact with me. "None at all."

"Miss Lawson, that is Mr. Daughtry to you." Daughtry replies, obviously becoming impatient with her.

"Gotcha. Whatever floats your boat teach." She says distractedly. He sighs and turns away, giving up. As we look at each other, it quickly becomes sort of a staring contest, which is only broken when someone to Aqueela's left whispers, "Psst!"

She frowns at me and turns to her left so I can only see her back now. I frown as well when I see that the person who now has her attention is a guy. Marcus...no Matt, I think his name is.

He smiles as she does, and a confused look takes over my features as I watch the exchange.

"Sup, Aqueels?" The guy asks, his smile growing bigger.

"Max!" Aqueela nearly shouts. So that's his name. Then, glancing around as if remembering that we are in a quite zone, aka detention, she whispers, "Where have you been hiding? I haven't seen you in forever. You been avoiding me?"A wave of jealousy washes over me, as it's obvious the guy is into her.

"You know me, always keeping on the down low, hiding in the shadows and what not." Max jokes, smirking.

"Shut up. You know you'd die without the spotlight on you." Another wave of jealousy washes over me as the classroom is filled with the screeching noise of Max's desk moving across the floor, closer to Aqueela's. This time, however, it's mixed with irritation and disappointment, seeing as it seems like Aqueela's forgotten I'm here.

I surprise myself with that though, and then scold myself for thinking like a jealous, clingy girlfriend.

Max meets eyes with me and I glare at him, my jealousy showing as much as I try to pretend I don't care. Aqueela turns around, having noticed Max looking.

"Oh, that's just JT." Aqueela says. I'm a little hurt at being referred to as 'Just JT' by her, but I brush it off, not wanting to seem like the girlfriend I mentioned earlier. "JT, meet Max, Max, meet JT." She introduces us.

  Max smiles a bid smile, making me very suspicious, and extends his hand in greeting.

  "Hey, man, it's nice to-"

  "I don't care. Save it." I cut him off. Was it rude? Yes. Did I care? As I said before, no.

  He slowly retracts his hand and leans down to whisper in Aqueelas ear. "What's his problem?" I hear Max say, fueling my anger more.

  Aqueela shakes her head and glares at me, obviously annoyed, but I'm annoyed at her for flirting with another guy...so I guess we're even.

  "He always has a problem." She says, and I glare back. Then, a mischievous glint takes over her eyes. "Forgive him, Max, it's his time of the month again. Max, maybe you could help him with a maxi-pad?" She adds loudly. Max stops laughing as I curse Aqueela under my breath.

  "Not cool. I don't provide that shit." Max says seriously. For some reason, whatever comes out of his mouth makes me even more angry.

  "What do you want from me?" I ask angrily as I feel my face go red. This is it. I am actually going to punch someone in the face.

  "Friendship." Aqueela replies. My heart pound a little harder at the way she says this, but my jealousy overpowers my feelings for her right now.

  "Friends are overrated." I say icily.

  "Yeah and so is your ego." She comes back at me. 

  Remember how I said I was gonna punch someone? Yeah, well, it ended up being the desk. The huge sound echoes around the room and everyone falls silent as I storm out of the classroom.

  Just before I slam the door, I hear Max say, "Nice guy." I grit my teeth and dig my nails into my hands to stop myself from turning back around.

  As I storm down the hallway, I can't help but feel jealous, and then I scold myself for being so petty. It's my fault that Aqueela is flirting with other guys in front of me. If I told her, she wouldn't.

  I should tell her everything...but, of course, I won't.

His Bubblegum Klutz: The StartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon