Donna 02

933 23 1

The wind crash against my skin where I drive the dusty road to fetch Tanya and Rosie. If my mother was here, she would've told me to drive slower. She has always been afraid of getting hit by these little rocks. But it never really bothered me. I mean, it's not deadly, is it?

"Would you look at what the tide washed in!" I grab my nose with my right had putting my left hand in the air checking out the two dynamos.
"For one night!" I heard Rosie's voice.
"And one night only!" The serial bride followed us.
"Donna and the dynamos!" We shouted running up to each other. It's sort of a crazy thing we girls do. Well, my band is sure one hell of a crazy class.

After going out of our mind we had hit the road back to Villa Donna teasing Tanya about being a seriel bride and Rosie being a hermit. They've gotten to know who Sophie's gonna get married to and they were charmed.

"Auntie Rosie!" Sophie shouted from the balcony running out as fast as she could.
"Oh she's gotten so big."
I agreed watching Sophie wrap her arms around Rosie's neck. She's so beautiful. I often wonder whether I should tell her more about her father but what if she thinks the way of me that my mother did? I'm not a slut...Am I?
After she greeted Tanya, I wrapped my arms around her burrying my face into her hair.
"Oh baby you whole life ahead of her." I muttered on.
I always loved the smell of her hair. Not that I'm a creepy mother! It's just...she's my only baby girl and I'm gonna miss her if she goes away to see the world. It still hits me like thunder if I think about the fact that I'm gonna be all alone after the wedding and all. Mostly people from the mainland would choose Kalokairi for honeymoon but herem we'd rather choose the mainland. If I had to go on honeymoon, I'd choose this place. Why? Because I'm not ever gonna go on a honeymoon. What if I do get to go? Well, I'm gonna have to walk nand in hand with myself. Now that's something embarrassing.
"Oh please, I'm getting married. I'm not joining a convent." She laughed breaking out of my embrace.
"Ohhh she feisty." I heard Tanya saying that joined walking on after Sophia with Rosie picking up on us. "I love that."
"Yeah." I agreed like I had no choice.
"Yeah, she's the chip of the old log." Rosie replied.
"If she were more like me, she wouldn't be getting married at 20. Or married at all." I told them laughing a bit finding that I...didn' laundry! " Damnit! "I meant to take the laundry off before you came."
"Tanya is going home!" I heard Rosie bark out causing Tanya to just laugh.
"And you'd think with all this new technology, they would figure out a machine that would make the beds." I said grabbing off the two table covers folding it up in my arms looking back at my two best friends.
"And if they did, you'd be going along behind it, making them again." Sophie giggled giving me a kiss on the lips taking the laundry from me. Heaven knows alone what tanya would've done with that beds. Anyways...
"But I am good at modern..." I called out noticing Sky is with us now so I had to brag a bit about something. "Hey Sky, tell them about the internet. He's gonna put on the line."
"Online!" Sophie corrected me.
Well can you blame me? I mean, I don't know anything about those stuff. All I know about is, running the Villa, raising a daughter and keeping in touch with The Dynamos.

The nect thing I know when I catched up with them was Sophie and Sky kissing.
When's the last time I was so deep inlove?
20years ago?

Sorry for letting you guys wait so long. I hope you're enjoying it so far!

Donna (Mamma Mia)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu