Sad Moments, Happy Beggingings

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                                                                            ~ The Move~

     I woke up, the sun shinning brightly through my bedroom window. I was finally going back home to live with my father. I missed him and our pack very much. Oh which reminds me I need to introduce myself. My name is Luna, which means moon, I am 16 and a werewolf. My father is alpha of our pack, which consist of about 300 pack members. My dad sent me away because he felt it was best i spend time with my mother before my wolf fully awakens. I sighed as i quickly threw my covers off me and got out of my queen size bed to get ready for the day.  I walked into my bathroom, striped down, and got into the shower. Taking my time in the shower i let the hot water relax my stiff muscles.

    I got out of the shower an hour later, wrapping myself in a lavender towel i walked into my room to change. I looked threw the clothes in my closet, picking out a pair of black skinny jeans with rips in them along with an off the shoulder dark purple halter top. I then went over to my dresser pulling out a matching pair of black undergarments and proceeded to get dressed. My raven black hair was already dry falling to my lower back in loose ringlets. My golden eyes shined with anticipation. I put on black eyeliner, making my eyes stand out more. My thick black lashes surrounding them giving my eyes a sexy mysterious look. Then i applied a bit of eyeshadow to give my eyes a smokey look. After applying the eyeshadow, i applied  a clear coat of lip gloss to add a shiny look to my full red lips. It was about 9 am when I started to pack all my belongings to move in with my father,  I was on my last bag when my mom came to check on me. She was a very kind women with a big heart, I was going to miss her greatly.

"Are you ready Luna" my mother whisper in a very sad voice.

    I could see the tears threatening to spill over in her forest green eyes, as i zipped up my last bag. i nodded, not trusting my voice. I had lived with here for 6 years now, it was going to be hard to say good by. I slipped on my black high heels and stood up. we grabbed my six bags, loaded it into my mothers trunk and took off, heading to my new home.

    I looked out the window most of the time listening to Avril Lavigne's new CD in the car. My mother had a silent stream of tears running down her ivory skin. It made me sad to think that i am the one to make her cry, but my mother was a lone wolf and wanted to stay that way. I needed my pack. It made me feel a little happier that dad allowed her excess to our land when ever she felt the need to visit me. I looked over at her, feeling here stare. I smiled and got a tentative one back, she was strong, knew that she was going to be fine without me. I looked back out side, watching the land fly pass us in a green blur and slowly fell asleep.


        I woke up 2 hours later, my back killing me. I quickly looked into the mirror to see if my hair or make up was messed up, seeing that  it was perfectly fine, I looked towards my mom, she seemed calmer than when i fell asleep. I smiled, feeling better myself.

"Luna in another half- hour we will be at your dads pack house"

    I felt a smile spread over my face. I would finally be home surrounded by my pack mates. I missed them all dearly even my half brother Chris. I wonder if their is any new pack members, I pondered this for about 1 minute and decided that it didn't really matter.

    My mother and I finally turned onto a long dirt road, leading to the pack house. it took 5 minutes going threw the forest to get to the pack house. I slowly got out of my mom's black mustang while she popped the trunk. Everyone was outside, waiting for my arrival. In front of the crowd stood my father. He had a huge grin spread across his face, as he sprinted towards me. When he finally reached me he picked me up spinning me around like he always used to. I laughed at this fact.

   He finally put me down as he called two young men to come get my belongings out of the truck and take them to my new room. He gazed at me like he hadn't realized how much I had changed untill know. I laughed at his shocked expression. He looked like a lost puppy.

"Oh dad I haven't changed that much, I have only been away for six years."   I said this in a sarcastic tone so he would know i was messing with him.

   He growled at that, not liking the fact that i have grown so much. He finally turned to my mother, who was looking at us in bemusement. My father embraced her in a hug as they silently conversed, they were talking to softly for even my advanced hearing to catch their words. I looked at my pack and they were all staring at me with shocked expressions. I was puzzled by this, had i really changed that much in the past six years? I mean I knew that i was going to look different from six years ago but this reaction was a little dramatic.

    I looked over my shoulder to see my mom and dad were done with their conversation. I slowly walked over to my mom pulling her into a tight embrace. I remember when we left six years ago. I hugged her tighter not wanting to let go. we had made a very tight knitted bond between us and it ws going to be hard not seeing her everyday, but she wanted to roam and i wasn't going to hold her back. I gave her one final squeeze, telling her i love her, I would always love her. One single tear slid down my face as we finally broke apart. She told me she loved me before getting into her car and leaving, I watched as she speed down the dirt road making dust fly up covering her trail. I said one last good by as her car spead around the corner driving out of sight.


    This is my first story i have EVER published. I don't know if its good or not sooooo PLEASE help me out by giving me comments or votes. I am not doing this for popularity or anything, i just want to make my writing better. So if you have anything to say i would gladly take it positive or negative.

Also i know their is mistakes in here i just need time to fix it.

Thank you for reading> ;D

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