Part two first day of school.

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Chris was still trying to calm down, getting his wolf back under control. As soon as he did, he sat back in his seat. I could tell that my eyes were still red, I felt the other kids eyes on me so I took a deep breath and returned to my seat. When Isaiah left the feeling of emptiness came over me. Why did he leave? The teacher was trying to break up the tension in the room and went back to her lecture but I no longer cared. I just sat in my set until the bell rang.

Chris pov.

She was protecting him. I couldn't understand why, she didn't even know him. God I wish I could make it so she could never see him again, but it was enough for now that he will keep the distance between them on his own. Once he found out she was my sister. I looked over at Luna, but she was just staring in front of her like nothing was in the room with her. I wish I knew what was going through her head. But I am content for now.

Luna's Pov.

I felt a tapping on my shoulder so I looked up. It was Chris. Luna the bell just range lets go. I slowly packed up my things and fallowed Chris out of the classroom. He kept me close as we walked through the hallway. I didn't even notice the stares that I was receiving, but Christ must of because he let out a snarl and people started to walk away quickly. We had P.E. next and before we walked through the door Chris let out a frustrated sigh. what's wrong Chris?

Nothing sis, don't worry about it.

I didn't feel like questioning him, so I let it go and walked inside. The gym was huge!  The wooden floors were polished and sparkled from the lights that were shining down from the high ceiling.  The weight room was on the opposite side of the room from where I was at, it was a separate room with huge windows so you could see inside and look at what people were doing. The pull ups were on the walls on the short side of the gym. I was starting to feel better while looking at the gym, but I still wasn't back to normal. Chris and I walked further into the gym, and over to his friends who also had class with us. I was still receiving lustful stares from them so I just gave them a wink. Chris looked amused. The bell rang but our teacher was nowhere to be found. the boys were still talking so I tuned them out. That is until the sent of rain and raspberries hit me.

I looked around frantically until I spotted him standing in the doorway. He was looking at me but as soon as I looked at him he turned away. Pain hit me hard, and I gasped for breath. Chris looked at me and frowned. Then he turned to where I was looking just a moment ago and let out a loud snarl. This must of been why he was sighing before we entered the gym, because Isaiah was also in this class. Chris yanked on my arm and we moved all the way to the other side of the gym with his friends. I heard a low growl, sending shivers of lust down my back. I wanted to run towards it and be embraced by those strong arms that belonged to that growl. I whined and Chris glared down at me. Flinching back I lowered my head.

Chris, I let out in a whimper, why wont you let me go to Isaiah? My brother just let out another snarled and yanked me harder to get closer to him. The teacher walked in just then and everyone moved towards him. My stomach tightened and fluttered as I got closer to Isaiah but Chris kept a strong hold on me. I looked up, not daring to look towards Isaiah, and gave my attention to our teacher. Okay class, sorry I was late. It seems like we have a new student. He stared at me, would you like to introduce yourself. I nodded. he gave a small smile. Clearing my throat. My name is Luna Cress, I just moved back after being gone for six years. I like to read, ride bikes and do some other stuff. I don't like a lot of things and frankly you don't need to know them.   Chris nodded at me squeezed my arm and then said, yeps this is my little sister., I punched him in the arm for that. The whole class besides Isaiah cracked up laughing even our teacher gave a little smile. Okay for class today we are going to learn self defense. So boys go set up the mats, then get changed, girls go get changed.

I walked with five other girls to go get changed. Thank god I packed stuff for gym in my back pack this morning. I quickly got changed and listened to some of the gossip the other girls were spluttering out. I shook my head at some of the things they said about my brother. You know there is just some things you don't want to listen in on. I shivered in disgust, and quickly scampered out of the locker room. Isaiah was the only guy that was in the room. I took a step towards him wanting to feel his touch, his warmth anything. he must of heard me take that step because he turned towards me fast then gave me a glare, piercing me and making me take a step back instead of forward. He shook his head and leaned back against the wall farthest away from me. Pain etched its way inside my heart, bringing forth the tears hiding within my eyes. I wanted to break down and cry, then it finally hit me, he was my mate... HE WAS REJECTING ME!!! HIS MATE!!!!! I looked back up, staring at him until he looked at me in the eyes. I glared at him fiercely and nodded. He looked shocked, then like he accidently let his mask slip he put on a cocky look. But it never reached his eyes. All the boys came walking out of the locker room, so I walked over to Chris and his friends, who were talking about football, and I just stayed in there group. The girls came walking out 5 minutes later. I shook my head. Their breast were popping out of their shirts and their short shorts were extra short. I gave a small humorous laugh, then our teacher paired us up against each other. Chris and I were the first people up. I smirked at him, and he looked a little scared. I laughed. You scared bro. He scoffed you wish. Okay coach said, you guys can start. Chris and I stood there for a minute looking for each others weakness. Chris attacked first. Plunging towards me head on. I quickly jumped up and landed behind him, kicking the back of his knee, making him fall. as soon as he fell, I jumped forward wrapping my legs around his head. he struggled for a little while trying to get me to let him go, but he finally tapped out. His friends were laughing their asses off. Man you sister messed you up. I think this boys name was Drake but I am not sure, my brother has not yet introduced his friends properly to me.

I let Chris go and got up. My brother and I shook hands then walked back to our seats by his friends. I could feel Isaiahs gaze on me but I just shook it off, he didn't want me. My wolf whimpered inside of me. Our wolves could talk to us, but mine hasn't talked to me for four years. Since that night.... I shook my head trying to get rid of the memory that has hunted me. Part of the reason I needed to be near my pack. I sat down with my  brother. I shook his shoulder. You do realize that you haven't properly introduced me to your friends yet have you. He laughed. Okay sis. This is Drake, Matt, Lethanle, Peirce, Carter, Juan, Andre, and D.J. The others I will introduce to you later. I said hi to all the boys. All of them were cute. But I will get to know them better later right know Isaiah was fighting. He moved so gracefully and took down his opponent in four moves. He looked at me and smirked. I just stared back blankly. The bell range and we all rushed to change. It was finally lunch break.


Okay I am going to stop here for now. Please please PLEASE give me advice and tell me if It is alright. I have sort of lost the tone that I had when I first started since I think it has been a year since I have touched this story. Maybe even longer. I am sorry and I have no excuse. I should have written earlier. So please tell me if I am doing okay or if I should give up on the story. I am sorry I haven't written in so long. Please




anything really. Thanks for reading my story.

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