The Truck

14 1 1

A/N- How long should I make the chapters? I already have an update skedual.


She didn't look convinced though. I also wonder what she's going to give me, I don't recall Ms. W being this nice to anyone at all.  

"Jasper, don't interrupt me. I've been hearing rumors.. And such. I really don't do these types of things. You have been taking my class for 2 years, every year, every semester. You complete the assignments without a fuss, no problems. Until last month, you have been coming to class late, not doing your class work, your failing my class Jasper. Do I need to contact the administratives?" She asked quietly, like someone was eavesdropping. "I want you to be honest with me, I may not act like it but I care more for my students than you think and seeing my best student brought down so low. I can't help but become concerned."

    I looked at her, she sounds concerned. Should I tell her or not, will she even care in the end? "I should get going Ms. W, sorry for making you concerned. I have a lot to do." I replied, not knowing what to do. I dont want to talk about it. I grabbed my bag as quickly as I could so I could make a quick escape, until I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder.


All she said was my name, and now I'm petrified.

"The school board had offered me to arrange a new class of sorts, a photography class. I was wondering if you would like to join it? I counts as an elective credit."

Should I, when I was a kid I loved taking pictures and I was pretty good at it too. I think I will. "Yeah, I'll take the class. It's been a while sense I taken photos anyways. When is it Ms. W?"

"It starts tomorrow afternoon, so don't be late."

That doesn't give me enough time to get ready, I was about voice my complaints but she was already gone.

She disappeared fast, time for me to leave as well.

Walking out the class towards the main doors I realize I don't have a camera to use. "Where am I going to get a camera, maybe Ms. W has one I can barrow." Out the main doors you can see the parking lot an empty parking lot. How long was I talking to Ms. W? Checking my wrist watch, it's 3:12. Walking down the street I wonder, why did she want me to take another class? I already have a lot of school work to do. Turning around the corner, there's a truck out side my house.

I stopped. "No, they found out where I live already." I could see a silhouette of a person through the window.

Should I call the police?

No, I have to see what's happening first. I walk closer and hear someone talking.

"Did you find anything"


"Let's leave before people think something"

I notice they're coming out the front door, where I was. I booked it around the back of my house hopping they didn't hear or see me. I could hear the door opening and footsteps. I could hear the start of an engine and it driving off. I wanted a couple of minutes before sneaking back out front.

Was I robbed? Where they looking for me?

I have to move again, should I love onto school campus? They have enough dorms, I just hope I don't get stuck with some stuck up kid.

Walking through the front door, I expected everything over turned and everywhere but everything is where it's supposed to be. I noticed nothing has been moved, we're they looking for me? I walk towards my room, looking inside nothing has been moved in here either. 

They were looking for me.

I quickly grab as much clothes a I could and stuff it into a bag, I'll stay at a motel. Zipping the bag up I noticed my desk, my desk has been moved. Why would they go through my desk, I don't have anything valuable in it. I keep my valuables on me all the time which isn't much, just my wallet and my USB. I grab my bag, slinging it over my arm.

Time to get out of here.

I slowly walked back outside, looking if the people came back while I was inside. Seeing nothing, I start walking down the sidewalk. I couldn't help but notice people looking at my hose like they saw it happen. 

Should I go ask them if they saw anything? 

Contemplating on whether if I should go over there and ask, I notice the truck that was outside my house is parked on the curb! Were they watching me? I start walking down the street faster to see if the truck will follow me, it doesn't. Why, is it sitting there then? I turn around the corner and stop, looking back the truck still hasn't moved. I stand there looking at the truck. 


Cliffhanger! WHAHAHAHHA! I know this chapter is short, but my writing juices were low. I kinda like it short though, o well tell me what you think. R&R

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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