chapter 12- the heated discussion

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Chapter 12- the heated discussion

I woke up in the morning with a massive headache, no thanks to Ginny and Hermione. They had kept going on all night about what could be done about Umbridge until finally they came up with a solution. There solution was that we needed to learn how to defend ourselves and who better to learn it from then Harry Potter himself, he did know more than us it was as if trouble attracted to him in school. All that needed be done was to convince Harry that it was a good idea, this could take a while.

I got ready and headed down to the common room, where Ginny and Hermione were sitting huddled next to each other, whispering. As they saw me they called me over to join them.

“we are going to try and convince Harry about our idea, are you going to help?” Ginny asked me.

“yeah I will help.” I told her. “but the only thing you have to worry about is if Harry will actually agree to your wacko plan.” I said as they looked at me. “i heard you last night.” I told them. “you kept me awake.”

“if we all try and convince then he has to listen, right?” Hermione said.

“it's a long shot but may as well try, what you got to lose?” I said to them as the boys came into the room. “and now is our chance.” I told them as the boys came and joined us where we sat. they looked at us suspiciously.

“what's wrong?” Harry asked.

“it may seem crazy but just here them out.” I said to him as I looked at Ginny and Hermione.

“we were thinking that because Umbridge isn't teaching us things that we need to know that we need someone who will teach us.” Ginny said.

“somebody with experience, someone like you.” Hermione said as they both looked at Harry, waiting for his reaction.

“no.” he said simply.

“why?” Hermione asked him.

“Hermione i'm not a teacher I can't teach people.” he said simply.

“but we need someone to, no one is doing nothing about Umbridge and what she's doing.”

“Dumbledore must have a plan.” Harry said. “he has to have a plan if he's allowing it to carryon.” he told us.

“even if he does...” I said to Harry finally getting involved. “how long will it take for him to do something about it, Harry she works for the ministry of magic that means she practically has the minister in her pocket, something has to be done.” I said simply.

“we will wait for Dumbledore.” he told us. “until then just try to do whatever she tells us to and stay under the radar, now is anyone coming for breakfast?” he said as he got up and left.

“it was a good idea.” Ron simply said to us as Harry left the common room.

We had all headed down to the great hall for breakfast but there was still no sign of Harry, he wasn't anywhere in the great hall. We were talking quietly betweeen us, me, Ginny, Ron and Hermione.

“i'm Starving.” Ron said.

“you are always hun...” Hermione stopped what she was saying and turned to stare beyond me. I turned around as Harry was stood there.

“can I join you?” he asked us. I instantly started shuffling towards Hermione to let Harry as we heard raised voices in the hallway, we all got up to see what it was. Professor Umbridge and Professor Mcgonagall were standing.

“pardon me Professor but what exactly are you insinuating?” Umbridge asked.

“I am merely requesting that when it come to my students you conform to the prescribed practices.” Mcgonagall responded.

“So silly of me but it sounds to me like you are questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva.”

“not at all Dolores merely your medevial methods.”

“I am sorry dear but to question my practices is to question the minister himself, I am a tolerant woman but the one thing I wont stand for is disloyalty.”

“Disloyalty.” Professor Mcgonagall said looking shocked. Umbridge then turned to face all of us who were stood watching them.

“things at Hogwarts are far worse than I expected, Cornelious will want to take immediate action. “ she said as she walked away, Mcgonagall quickly composed herself and left as the crowd departed.

Harry turned to face us. “you are right something needs to be done.”

“i'll organise a meeting for Saturday.” Hermione said. “I’ll find a place and people and get back to you.” she said as we all went our separate ways, me towards muggle studies. Something told me my time at Hogwarts was going to get far more interesting in the next couple of weeks.

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